Free Ascended Master Audios

Lady Portia and the Ascended Masters. We post the audios and pdf’s of the Teleseminar Events here on this page for your convenience – so that it is possible for you to easily access and review the information coming from the Beings of Light. 

Please consider joining one of our twice monthly Teleseminar Energy Events – information can be found by Clicking Here

Note – the class number above the audios refers to the number of the actual Teleseminar Energy Events class when it was held – we are almost to 100 of these classes and each one has a tremendous amount if information.

FYI – Transcripts of some of the channeled messages are published in the SEDONA JOURNAL OF EMERGENCE. CLICK HERE to check it out!

2014 Audios

Class 111

In class 111, there was an incredible Message and energy work by Jeshua in first half, and a MIND-BLOWING message from Portia second half. This class was all about “Perspectives and Information on the Transition Known as ‘Death’”  Audios are below:

Jeshua Class 111

To download Jeshua’s Class 111 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Lady Portia Class 111

To download Lady Portia’s Class 111 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Class 110a note from Starla;  The energies are getting stronger and stronger in these events, and the Beings of Light are doing quite a bit of healing, reorganizing, and genetic updating on us as we go along.

After this class, the participants were sharing that the energies were so strong at the last one that they were still “out of it” and still integrating what was done well into the next day.   I had this same experience, so I know we are getting a lot of assistance, at this crucial time on Earth, when it is such a challenge to stay “up with it” and balanced.

We had messages from Dr. Edgar Cayce, Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc), Jeshua and St Germain – listed below are the audios and information:

Dr. Edgar Cayce (this is his title in spiritual realms, even though he was not officially a “Doctor of Medicine” in Earthly life) gave us information about strengthening our auric field so we are not taking in so much of the fear and negativity which is so prevalent now,
possibly as a result of all the events of fire, flood, tornadoes, etc., which have occurred in many areas of the country.

He also invited everyone to attend his “healing classes” while our bodies are sleeping, which he is holding nightly in the etheric realms. “Just set your intention to do so before you go to sleep and request your Guides to escort you to these events,” he is saying.

To download Dr Cayce’s Class 110 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Jeanne d’Arc spoke and gave us an encouraging message on “The Promise of Heaven” – this has been transcribed and you can also read it or download the file at this link –

To download Jeanne’s Class 110 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Jeshua gave a message and much healing energy:

To download Jeshua’s Class 110 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Saint Germain gave a very interesting perspective, summarizing some important current events in the world, and describing possible future events having to do with monetary and political structures and their interaction.

To download Saint Germain’s Class 110 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Class 109 – Lady Portia gave us a GREAT message about “Going Through the Doorway of Consciousness.”

To download Lady Portia’s Class 109 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Class 107First Saint Germain, then Lady Portia provided an update on the galactic and planetary energies. Important insights for the month of April 2014 and beyond!

Saint Germain:

To download Saint Germain’s Class 107 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Lady Portia:

To download Lady Portia’s Class 107 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Class 106 – Lady Portia and Saint Germain provide a mind-blowing perspective on the very big picture for what is happening in these amazing times

To download the Class 106 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Class 105

“THE RETURN OF THE SOUL” – “Cutting-edge information designed to help us in the present moment of having to deal with so many of life’s challenges,” is how one participant described this evening! Information was given by the Beings of Light on the theme of how, through learning to RESPOND to life’s challenges (instead of reacting), and through calling forth the gifts, intelligence, and abilities of the other aspects of ourselves existing NOW in multi-dimensional reality, we can become more than we ever thought we could be – by integrating the energies, knowledge, and abilities of these other parts of our soul presence. This can be a very quick and easy process if we focus our INTENT on doing this! And we can solve life’s dilemmas without going deeply into the drama of things!

The Beings of Light – Class 105

To download the Beings of Light Class 105 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Jeanne d’Arc, Class 105

To download the Jeanne d’Arc Class 105 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”
Lady Portia’s Final Word for Class 105

To download the Lady Portia’s Message to Class 105 RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

2013 Audios

For Class 104, the energies were off the scale!!!!

There are three messages – First a combo of Saint Germain & Lady Portia, the second they “passed the microphone around,” and the third was Jeshua.

The theme was “2014, the Year of Change and Transformation.”  Also, “the portal of transcendence — stepping through the veil,” and “purified to the spirit.”

Listen and download below:

Part One (starts in about 20 seconds):

To download the First Class 104 Audio RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Part Two –

To download the Second class 104 Audio, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


To download the Jeshua’s class 104 Audio, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Three Separate Audios from Class 103

The Beings of Light

To download the Beings of Light Class 103 Message, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

The Angels Most High and Jeshua

To download the Angels Most High and Jeshua Class 103 Message, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Lady Portia has amazing information for us all!

To download Lady Portia’s Class 103 Message, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Jeshua address Class 101

To download Jeshua’s Message to your computer, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Celebrating Class 100!  St Germain shares valuable insights from when he was “in body” so that we can realize our personal strength and sovereignty and release fears as we navigate during these transformative times.

To download this audio to your computer, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”



The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light bring a message about the ways in which they are intending to assist humanity:

“You stand upon the edge of something which you do not even perceive.  What we can bring to humanity, in the way of expanded consciousness, could best be described as exponential!  And we await permission from your governments, in order to freely contact the population of Earth, in order to make these changes which would instantly end the suffering which many of you have been experiencing.  And it would open doorways in human consciousness, of which there is no adequate description which can be given at this time, which you would fully understand.  But I can tell you that it would be exponential change in mathematics, in science, in astronomy, in medicine — all of the disciplines, all of the knowledge bases upon Earth would be upgraded to the point of then being non-recognizeable as to what they were before.“

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You can also download a PDF Transcript by clicking HERE

Or, read the full article at by clicking HERE


Class 97 – A Message from Lady Portia

To download this audio to your computer, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”


Class 96 – Two Audios

Starla and the Beings of Light provide some tremendous insights on taking responsibility for our physical being, systems as well as an important insight on the Sacred Fire

To download this audio to your computer, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save File As”

Lady Portia echoes Starla’s words and provides further timely and comprehensive insights

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Class 95

Jeanne d’Arc (“Joan of Arc) Brings the ‘King of Heaven’ in this message

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Class 94

The Beings of Light provide a STRONG and Timely Healing Message:

“Fire calls forth fire!  It is time to call forth all aspects of the Sacred Fire to rewire your lower bodies and activate your DNA to eliminate the disease, suffering and maladies that have so long afflicted humanity – the time for the ending of this is now at hand!”

Listen here:

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To read a written transcript of this audio, either CLICK HERE to open, or RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save Link or File As” to download


Class 93

“Releasing Your Limiting Beliefs NOW!”  By Saint Germain

“You are not the victims of anything! The doors will be blown wide open if you are able to understand that your beliefs about reality are quite incorrect, limiting your DIVINE ABILITY which you could be learning to use now!  Release these OLD LIMITING CONCEPTS from your mind!  We are here to assist you in this process and will be reminding you especially in your dream time.”

Listen here:

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To read a written transcript of this audio, either CLICK HERE to open, or RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save Link or File As” to download


Class 92

“Earth Changes & You – The Intimate Connection!” The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light have a very strong message regarding the current rapid changes on planet earth

“Everything is changing! Off planet energies and cosmic realities are coming together at this time to provide tremendous shifts!
It is time for humanity to break old patterns and habits –  to see with new eyes and to look at the changes you all know are happening. The earth is not what it was and neither are you. Do not be frightened as you KNOW what to do and we will be there to assist you.”

Listen here:

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CLICK HERE to read the article

To read a written transcript of this audio, either CLICK HERE to open, or RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save Link or File As” to download


Class 91


“Many are going to find out that the truth of the matter is that you are not alone.  And the good news is that many of these beings who wish to contact you are very much like yourselves.  So I expect that you would not feel as though they were much different from the human beings who live next door to you in their appearance – and this is by design – to present the ones that would cause the least level of fear for humanity, because you really are in need of assistance, as a planet verging on environmental destruction, and humanity facing many challenges too innumerable to mention.”

Listen here:

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For a PDF download of the Transcript of this Audio CLICK HERE


Class 90 – Two Audios

The Sacred Masculine is emerging in new and healthy ways for Planetary Healing, Balance and Co-Creation with the Divine Feminine.  Two very directive and timely channeling audios  – one from Master Josephus, the second from St Germain:

Master Josephus speaks regarding all of the recent “fear based” planetary events: (Master Josephus is a first century Jewish historian who wrote much valuable information about the time of Christ.  His published works are available on

“There are many who will be in fear and terror for their lives.  It is time for Humanity to recognize ther power and realize we are not SHEEP running from WOLVES who would steal our power.  This will be important in the days ahead as we will all continue to be tested on the collective fears.

It is important to take the path of LOVE and not FEAR as only LOVE is constructive for humanity, while FEAR continues to be destructive to the consciousness of humanity. ONE of you standing for the light offsets THOUSANDS who go into fear and lose their power!”

Listen below:

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St. Germain echoes Master Josephus’s sentiments – and encourages steadfastness of purpose and to fortify the strengths within you to not be shaken by the outer events.

“Make sure you search for the TRUE ROOTS of your identity within the DIVINITY of who you are and you will find “bedrock” and not be blown by the winds of chance or upset by outer events any longer”

Listen below:

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Class 89 – Two Audios

The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light provides some very timely and important instructions:

“Calling all Star Warriors” It is time to engage your personal light codes to activate new levels of consciousness for all on Earth.  You are far more than you can ever conceive that you are and this is an important fact to KNOW and EMBRACE so it may bloom and blossom with all of you!  Know that your codings of the deepest hidden parts of who you are, are being released NOW.”

Listen below:

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St Germain has a very strong message for these times:

“Now more than ever before You are all Agents of Change for Planetary Ascension!  It is TIME to “shake up the status quo” and break up the stagnation on earth – especially in the “larger structures” of people and groups. While you will all be tested greatly, we know you are equal to the task and we are making you all ready for the very important challenges that are coming – and the highest good of all is uppermost as we make decisions that are effecting humanity. Portia is fully involved in this project and time is of the essence for all!

Listen below:

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Class 87 – Two Audios

Lady Portia provides insights for March 2013 and beyond:

To Download this audio to your computer, RIGHT CLICK HERE and select “Save Link or File As”

Chief Geronimo has some very specific instructions for all during these times

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Class 85 – Three Audios

Lady Portia, St Germain and Dr. Martin Luther King form a triad to provide important information and insights for everyone on a spiritual and ascension path.

 “I HAVE A DREAM FOR EARTH — I HAVE A DREAM FOR YOU!”  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I wish to come back to the service of Earth, to speak with people – to inspire them to realize the strength that is within their hearts and minds, and we are going to bring this illumination to their minds, to their hearts – so that their minds, their hearts, and their hands all begin to work together to create the magnificent change that must come for your society – to free the minds and souls of people who are in such bondage now, without even being aware of this!”

Listen below and you can download the transcript as a PDF by CLICKING HERE

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Lady Portia describes the huge energy changes brought about by the crystal energies present at the annual Tucson, Arizona, Gem, Mineral, and Fossil Show, and also gives us important perspectives for personally responding to the huge changes coming during the remainder of 2013:

“Yes, there will be the challenges coming upon all of you this year, because you will have to change.  The enormous changes that are coming upon your planet, upon your cities, your governments, your monetary systems, all of this, it will require momentous adaptive abilities within each of you.  And the more that you can avail yourselves of the higher perspective, and not cling to outer physical, Earthly circumstances of your lives, or what you have become accustomed to experiencing, so much the better.  You must get used to change – and this will be a process for some of you — because, as I have observed, humans are not fond of change!  But, happily, this is the time when change is going to be the greatest benefit to you that you can possibly find.  And so I would urge you to take a new direction with this:  open your minds and realize that – and you can even say to yourself, ‘Now change is easy for me,’ and it can be just that simple.  It does not have to be difficult.  I am trying to make this easy for all of you, you see, and I am talking you into this – I have a good audience here!”

Listen below, or download the transcript as a PDF by CLICKING HERE

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For more information on the world-wide effects of the Tucson Gem Show, please see our article at this link:


“This is a moment of opportunity which shall never come again exactly like this. The energies have all coalesced in the fineness of themselves, to form what is much more than what we had expected.  .  . I cannot stress this too much, to say that you will only get one “go ‘round” with this, because when you return everything will be different.  It will all be done – and you will have missed your opportunity to participate in the greatest change for humanity that has ever been made on Earth if you do not open your awareness and participate fully with all the grand opportunities that are being opened now for humanity!  There are many of us to assist you!  It is limitless!  I could not name them all if we sat here all night!  And you must avail yourselves of all of this assistance!

What I wish to say to you is to encourage you to have that ‘explorer spirit’ that you have come here with, that you bring with you wherever you choose to take incarnation – to revive this within yourself if you have not experienced it lately.  And I expect what will unfold for you will be something beyond your wildest imaginings.  But you must work with the process!  You cannot fear it!  You cannot fight it and expect it to unfold!  Do I make myself clear?!!

Listen below, or download the transcript as a PDF by CLICKING HERE

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Two New Audios from Class 84:


Listen HERE

For a PDF Download of this Audio Click HERE

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Listen HERE

For a PDF Download of this Audio Click HERE

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2012 Audios


As a result of the tremendous energies coming into Earth in concert with the activation of the Crystalline Grid System  on the 12-12-12, Lady Portia reminds us that we no longer need to endure physical or emotional pain for months or years. This can be quickly healed by learning to use our innate abilities and the new energies coming to Earth.   It is time to deal with these things now so that this no longer controls either our bodies or our consciousness.

We now have a new “toolbox” of energies which humanity can use to break these old habits and patterns of suffering.  The Beings of Light, including volunteers from other Star Systems who have come to assist us at this time, wish us to realize that we can call on them for assistance in integrating the new energies which are flooding the Earth, and releasing the memories and records of pain and suffering which we have experienced, as a result of volunteering to incarnate on Earth, to BE the Lightworkers to anchor the energies of The New Age.

Lady Portia states, “You are healers, but often you do not recognize this talent within yourselves at the present moment.”  Many previously unknown talents are coming to the surface within us now!  And she urges us to avail ourselves of all that is coming forth upon Earth to further our evolutionary pattern.

Listen HERE:

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“The work you are doing on Planet Earth has never been more important than it is now!” Two messages and an important meditation from Star and the Beings of Light

Listen below:

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This is a time of great challenge, as well as great opportunity for those of you on Earth, as you must learn the self-control necessary in order to be able to have the focus of your consciousness on the higher aspects of what is NOW coming forth from the Higher Realms for manifestation on your Planet, and not on the negativity which is surfacing in such abundance to be transmuted and cleared through the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame, the Keynote of the Age of Aquarius which has dawned upon the Earth!

Listen below – and also download transcript as a PDF by CLICKING HERE

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In this moment of such great challenge for those of us upon the Earth, the Beings of Light and The Triad of the energies of Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus), Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary encircle us in their Light and Love — that we may act as surrogates on behalf of all humanity, by consciously aligning with the Core of Creation and calling forth this healing energy.
Join us now in this moment, to align with these Divine Energies, to receive their love and support for the healing and transmutation of all pain or suffering that you have ever known.  Release it now into this transcendent Light and know Peace, Masters that you are!

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St Germain provides some incredible insights on the current political situation.

Listen HERE

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Star Hinman and the Beings of LightCREATING SACRED CEREMONY & THE OPPORTUNITIES WHICH THIS PRESENTS TO YOU – The Beings of Light give us much valuable information and guidance about the process of Creating Sacred Ceremony, and the larger significance of this, for ourselves, the Earth, and all humanity.

Listen HERE

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Download the Transcript as a PDF by CLICKING HERE

THIS IS YOUR FINEST HOUR UPON THE EARTH – Lady Portia relates how control of the Earth has been restored to the Divine Origins of the Universe, as levels of obstruction and interference have recently been removed.  She also relates why it is so vitally important for us, and all humanity,  to begin to center ourselves and consciously create Sacred Ceremony in order to clear the debris and the “fallout” from this process.

Portia states in her message:  “There are extreme challenges for all of you on the Earth that are going on at the present time.  So this is why it is so important that we are bringing you this ability to find your center (the three documents for Creating Sacred Ceremony:  Creating Your Sacred Space, The Light of A Thousand Suns Meditation, and The Invocation of The Violet Transmuting Flame).  We have given you all of the tools for this, and they are now on the website, as you know, that you may now download these tools, these documents, and begin to have the use of all of this, because this is exactly what you are going to be needing now, and I’m not going to lie to you about this!   EVERYTHING is going to change now!  And that is indeed the Divine Fiat that has been issued for the Earth, for precisely this time period.”

Listen HERE

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Download the Transcript as a PDF by CLICKING HERE


TAKE THE “FAST TRACK” THROUGH ALL YOUR LEVELS OF DOUBT, FEAR, AND INVALIDATION – The Beings of Light are giving us an infallible method for dealing with all  of our insecurities, which are being brought to the surface now by constantly having to do things we believe we “do not know how to do — or ‘can’t’ do!”  Many times we do not feel prepared to take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities that are being brought to us by the Beings of Light, so that we can move forward and DO WHAT WE HAVE VOLUNTEERED TO DO in this lifetime — in order to carry out our part of the Divine Plan to assist the Earth and all her Life to heal the layers of pain and suffering so that we can ALL experience more peace, love, and joy during this spectacular Year of Change!  The Year of 2012 — and Beyond!

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Download this message as a PDF by clicking HERE

This is Jeanne’s message to all of us:  “And this is what you are all going to bring forth NOW, is this knowledge, deep within you, that I stand before you as I stood before the King of France – to give him the strength to DO what he knew that he must do, for his people!  And I say the same to you, as I said to him, so long ago:  ‘The people await you, sire!’  They await your great presence to lead them forward in the knowledge of what must be done for the Will of God to BE, once again, returning to Earth – that ALL may be done by His hand, and the hand of his Son, and His many daughters upon Earth. .  . Know that this power is within each of you now, and do not be afraid to BE THE TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE!”

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Download this message as a PDF by clicking HERE


ASTROLOGICAL ALIGNMENTS SIGNAL GREAT CHANGES UPON EARTH – On June 24th we had the first of seven Uranus Pluto squares that will stimulate huge changes from now through 2015.  The energy of this may be felt not only in the outer world where it is destroying old, limiting forms and patterns of governmental and economic structures, but also in the human parts of who we are – where it is creating liberation from the fears, doubts, and misperceptions about ourselves that we have allowed to hold us back from manifesting our highest potential as human beings and DOING the work that we have come here to do.  We are moving into our own level of excellence, as the opportunities and energies of the present moment place us squarely in the arena where we come face-to-face with who we truly are.  In this moment, we see exactly what we came here to do and feel the empowerment to do it!  (For more information, please see the website of Cayelin Castell )

THE ENFOLDMENT OF ALL – In this beautiful message LADY PORTIA suggests to us that we face these many changes by “holding All Life within the Divine embrace of the energies of your Heart Center – opened to full breadth to include ALL – without judgment, fear, or consideration of anything other than the innate Divinity of All!”

Click HERE for an important PDF Download on this message

JESHUA (JESUS) encourages us to bring the full Divinity of our soul-presence into our Heart Center, and to anchor it there, saying “We will be assisting you with the anchoring of this connection.  Your job now is to hold the energies of the Heart Center as the outer forms and structures that have held mankind in tyranny and oppression begin to crumble and fall – not to go into fear, not to go into judgment, but to just let it be.  .  . while you are in absolute stillness, in the very center of who you are – holding the Light of your own Divinity for the blessing of all, to have this radiate out and change the world in the twinkling of an eye.  These miracles — you will do!”

Click here for an Important PDF Download on this message also

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WALKING YOUR PATH WITH COURAGE AND CONVICTION – St Germain provides a timely (and somewhat humorous) insight for us to navigate these times

Click HERE to download the transmission as a PDF

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From Star – THE LEGENDS OF THE RESURRECTION OF MANKIND, AFTER THE “FALL OF MAN” – The Pleiadian Council of Light gives us their beautiful message that we are the ones now on Earth to remember who we are, and to move from the head to the heart center, in order to have the full activation and healing of this beautiful energy center!  And they invite all humanity to participate in this important project for the benefit of mankind!  At this point in time, it is recorded in their legends (from future time) that this energy was significant enough to cause the full Resurrection of Mankind to our Divine state of being, as we were — before what is known as the “Fall of Man.”

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Here also is an important article that expands this theme – download and read this article by CLICKING HERE

THE AWAKENING BEGINS!  Emissaries from The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light bring us their important message that WE ARE THE ONES who have come here to Earth to begin to AWAKEN MANKIND from their slumber –which has been caused, many times, through misinformation and disinformation (deliberately given incorrect information), and “the withholding of much” which would have empowered mankind to recognize their own Divinity.

As we connect with the Divinity within our heart center energies, we also connect with the universal levels of Divine Intelligence!  The Pleiadians tell us, “We are asking you to do a very big project here:  to be the ones who begin this project to open the heart center for humanity, to break the bonds of tyranny and oppression for all humanity.”  The restoration of all of this is proceeding now, as we are all being “recoded” at a genetic level, by the restoration of the Divine Codes within our DNA.  All we need to do to access the levels of assistance from the Beings of Light at this point in time, is to focus on re-activating our intuitive and telepathic abilities, which are so tied to our emotional bodies and our “feeling nature,” as well as the spiritual parts of who we are.

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Read the article with important annotations by Star – download and read this article by CLICKING HERE


From Star – COMING HOME TO THE HEART CENTER –  As we return to the Knowing of the Heart Center, we are at Peace!  The significance of the Venus Transit of the Sun was to greatly assist mankind to move our focus from the Head to the Heart Center.  Learn how to live focused in your heart center — and every day take a few moments to center your awareness there.  If you feel pain or tightness, ask this to be removed into the hands of the Angels who will be assisting you once you have opened your Sacred Space (through the use of your intention to do so).  You will be surprised what can be accomplished in a very short amount of time!

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THE TIME OF TESTING ARRIVESLady Portia provides us with much practical information for responding to the challenges that will be coming, in these times of such heightened energies upon Earth.  We will, in many instances, be facing the unknown, and we will need to rely on our intuitive processes, and telepathic connection with our Guides and Teachers, in order to furnish us with the answers that we will need in order to make the highest and best choices for ourselves, when we are “out of our element,” and thrown into unexpected events and circumstances.

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Download the Article by CLICKING HERE


AT THE VENUS TRANSIT OF THE SUN — A GREAT GIFT OF LOVE FROM VENUS TO THE PLANET EARTH – The story of the saving of Earth by Sanat Kumara after the Fall of Man and a Blessing by the Venusian Masters — as well as Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc) giving her perspective on her project of healing the wounded warriors of Earth through the use of Divine Love.

In one of the greatest gifts ever given to Earth, Sanat Kumara had a replica of his home city on Venus, “The City of the Sun,” Shamballa (which means “to make sacred”), constructed on Earth, where he would come and spend 4 ½ million years, as the first Chohan of the Violet Ray for Earth, holding the Light of Love and Healing, to prevent the certain destruction of Earth due to the Fall of Man.

The 4 Venusian Masters radiate love from Sanat Kumara to us and the Earth, giving us a beautiful Blessing, and stating “You are the Chalices of Love for the Earth and all Mankind to receive this transcendent gift which we bring by the love of our hearts for all of you on the Earth.  Sanat Kumara may have returned to his home on Venus, yet, there are many here, now, who hold his Light, his Love, his Power to save the Earth, yet once again to raise her up into the shining Star of Light which she was created to be, and shall be, yet once again, by my word, by my power, by my love for all of you as it is anchored deeply within the body of Mother Earth, through everyone hearing these words.”

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THE REBUILDING OF SHAMBALLA UPON EARTH – The Venusian Masters from the Court of Sanat Kumara give us their message that WE WILL BE THE ONES TO REBUILD SHAMBALLA, the beautiful Beacon of Light which was built in the Gobi Desert as the home of Sanat Kumara, The Planetary Logos of Venus, when he came to save the planet Earth.  “ You are the ones who will build the new Shamballa upon the Earth, and it will be done by your hands as well as your consciousness as you are lifted further and further into the Light, into these transcendent realms which are now opening for the Earth, and we speak to you with much love because we know that you are the ones who will consciously build, once again, the “City of the Sun” on Earth – to ignite the memory of all those of the original “City of the Sun”– which was built so long ago!  As though it were yesterday, we recall it now to your consciousness — to your minds — because you have all seen this city in existence upon the Earth, and that is why you have called us forth at this moment to rejoin you in this place and to speak, of great things which you will be doing, to your conscious minds — that you may know that the time of rejoining all that you remember is now at hand. And it shall be done by the tremendous Light which you hold, all of you!  You are Angels of Light in human form – to do this work of rebuilding Shamballa upon Earth!  And it shall be done in this way by the love that is in your hearts for Sanat Kumara and all that he gave to Earth, and to all of you, consciously, for eons of time!”

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Download the PDF transcript of this by CLICKING HERE


DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE – EVERY DAY!  A new way to live! — This is the perspective being given to those of us on Earth by the Beings of Light who want us to realize that, by learning how to use the magnificent frequencies of fifth dimensional energies that have recently been anchored onto the Earth, we can easily lift back up into the realms of joy, peace, abundance, love, and perfect health when we have unknowingly slipped into the third dimensional frequencies of pain and suffering.  Simply by reminding ourselves that the realms of Divine Perfection DO EXIST NOW, we can transform these lower, painful emotional states quickly, simply by looking at a beautiful image, or hearing uplifting music, or thinking of something meaningful to us which causes us to immediately raise our vibration back into fifth dimensional frequency. The Beings of Light are saying to us “You don’t know, at this point what you are capable of!  But we hope to show you how to use these new abilities and to guide each of you in the exploration of this and to open any doors, within or without, that need opening so that you can have the full experience of this, and participation in this process.”  And that is their promise to us, that NOTHING is ever going to be the same as it was before!  It is by learning the USE of these new energies, that we will begin to accomplish “Miracles,”  what is now considered “impossible.”  THAT is the capacity of these energies for producing change .  .  . Once we learn how to use them!

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LADY PORTIA’S PERSPECTIVE on how we, as conscious human beings, on Earth at this present time of such momentous change, can best respond to the challenges being presented to us – and “find the opportunity within each of these challenges,” she is saying.

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THE GIFTS OF THE ECLIPSE TIME – As the Eclipse energies bring up the deepest  parts of ourselves to the surface, which are holding painful memories, fear, anger, or sorrow – we can use the Heart Center Energies in order to bring All back into the Oneness of our Original Divine Perfection.  In this meditation, The Triad of the energies of Jeshua (Jesus), his Twin Flame Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary enfold us in their Heart Flame energies (the sacred three fold flame symbolized by the French fleur-de-lys), as Mother Mary holds the Immaculate Concept (our Divine Original Blueprint of Perfection) for each one of us – to re-unite each of us with the Divinity within our Hearts!

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Download a Transcript of this Channeling by CLICKING HERE

SACRED CEREMONY OF THE ECLIPSEThe Angel of the Most High speaks for The Triad of the energies of Jeshua (Jesus), Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary in order to deliver the message to us that “all you need do at any time… is to effortlessly reach up in your consciousness through the veils of pain or sorrow which seem so many times to bind your consciousness into the lower realms which contain this…But know that no longer does this need to be your experience upon Earth – because she has changed beyond the sight of your mortal eyes.  Great gifts have been given to the planet…(and) are now being anchored by these beautiful celestial events which you know about (the Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse on the New Moon of May 20th, 2012, and the Lunar Eclipse on the Full Moon of June 4th, 2012), to transform all within the body of Earth back into Light… know that this same Light is coming upon each of you effortlessly for your healing and transcendence into the Light—for each of you to be raised up…beyond this veil of tears where many have dwelt for far too long!

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Download The Sacred Ceremony of the Eclipse as a PDF by clicking HERE


WHAT DOES “MASTERY” MEAN?  Perspectives on Saint Germain’s teachings about achieving “energy sovereignty.”

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MARY MAGDALENE AND THE ANGELS speak to us:  “Earth, in her very core, is now making her transition into the Light!  And you must do the same, dear ones!”  She charges us with the mission of being The Light Bearers Now on Earth — to carry the message of Love — which she and Jeshua (Jesus) taught — to all people, and to BE “the Chalice of his Love and his devotion to humankind upon the Earth!” as she was, while in physical embodiment on Earth.

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You can also read a Transcript of this amazing message by clicking HERE


THE GLASS CEILING HAS BEEN DISSOLVED!  The “mystical month of May”  brings the opportunity for each of us to TRANSCEND ALL PRIOR LIMITS that we have accepted on our abilities, and to move to higher levels where we realize and experience ENERGY SOVEREIGNTY in our own personal space.  You are capable of manifesting the miracles that Jeshua (Jesus) has spoken of NOW – if you will BELIEVE!

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THE OPENING OF THE STARGATE OF YOUR HEARTSEmissaries from The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light bring us the message that a “great awakening is even now being prepared for humanity,” as we realize that “Earth is not some outpost, some solitary place where you – and only you – exist and have consciousness!  Humanity must realize that you are deeply connected through your spiritual heritage to many other star systems, to many other beings.  This spark of knowledge is going to expand your consciousness into the remembrance of the deepest spiritual knowledge which is possible to come forward within each of you.  It is the opening of the Stargate within your heart.  .  .and this is what will fully connect you to your Divinity!  This is the moment when the Star Beings come forth upon the Earth to begin the magic that only you can bring forth!”

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MOTHER EARTH – THE NATURAL HEALER FOR OUR BODIES, MINDS, AND SPIRITS!  The Beings of Light are giving us much information for working with the consciousness and energies of Mother Earth, as it was done in many ancient societies, for the natural healing of our four lower bodies, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual — so that we can learn to make use of this incredible source of healing NOW, during this time of so many challenges on the Earth.  All we need to do is go out and connect with the Earth, and be open to receiving her energies!!!

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JESHUA (JESUS) – THE TIME IS NOW for each of us to demonstrate the Truth of our own Divinity by DOING THE MIRACLES!  And He says to us,  “AS I DID, SO SHALL YOU DO, and the Time is NOW AT HAND for this to occur on the Earth!”

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It is their focus to have us at our “highest and best,” as we respond to the challenges that “great changes” will bring for Earth.

SAINT GERMAIN wants each of us to be aware of responding to these changes from “Your Divinity!  The Point of Power Within You.”  Please click HERE to read the entire article.

He says “Through this awareness of your own Divinity, which is fully within you now, know that you are capable of moving into this place of having dominion over all circumstances in the outer world.  .  .You are not at the mercy of outer events or any seeming physical condition.  .  .It is not beyond your ability to heal physical form in the twinkling of an eye! .  .  . There is only the One Power (Creator).  .  . and this is what you will need to know to be at your highest and best during the coming year.”

LADY PORTIA gives us the beautiful and exciting message “The Law of the Circle Brings Your Greatest Hour Upon the Earth,” as she tells each of us that we will be tried to the maximum of our endurance this year, those of us who vowed to assist Humanity through the great changes that are now coming upon Earth.  And she says “There are many who will flee in terror before many of the outer world manifestations which will be coming – because, quite simply, you are meeting your own creations – as humanity now must face everything which has been created (out of the lower energies of fear, greed or selfishness), so that it now may be destroyed.  .  . This is a ‘teachable moment,’ as they say.  .  . To those of you who have wished to assist humanity, I will say, YOUR MOMENT ARRIVES, my dears! .  .  . Seize this moment and bring all of your knowledge to the surface now, and all of the love of your hearts for your fellow man — to do the best for them that you can do, yet, while you are all on the Earth!”  Click HERE to read the article.  Audio is posted below:

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Two Audios from Class 59:

YOU ARE THE FORERUNNERS OF LIGHT!  – Information is given on how we can move from a state of fear into the experience of love in our lives!  The Star Beings assist us to activate the energies of the Heart Center and to dissolve the veils which artificially separate our Human and Divine Selves so that we can NOW fully manifest our Divinity.  “You are Divine!  Even as you are Human!”  They urge us to recognize this Truth so that we can complete one of our Missions on the Earth, which is “To help your fellow man have the recognition of his or her own Divinity.  .  .This is your Mission!  Do you remember?”

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Chief Geronimo encourages us to learn how to live upon the Earth in the Spirit of Oneness with all her creations, opening our hearts to Mother Earth, loving and healing her, so that she can continue to support all life upon her.  He reminds us to connect our hearts with the heart of Mother Earth and allow her love to heal us in return.  He brings in much healing energy to assist and strengthen our bodies at this time of change and many challenges.

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Two Audios from Class 58:

Star provides a review of what the Beings of Light have been doing with us in the last three weeks.  Then Jeshua comes in (with the Triad of the energies of Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary) and provides some beautiful energy work for the heart center – to develop, refine, and strengthen these energies within each of us.

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Saint Germain came in and spoke about the importance of calling forth this Divine Presence within us, which resides in the Heart Center, to achieve our Mastery in the human experience by invoking our Freedom to choose to  ascend into our Divine Consciousness by becoming One with the Divinity within us.

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Two Audios from Class 57:

Audio 1 – Two parts – Star Hinman and the Triad:

Part One – The Spring Equinox Energies:  Deep within you, you are carrying the seed of the information which is your internal guidance system for you to know without a doubt exactly what you came here to do within this timeframe!  Trust in yourself, trust in your spiritual guidance!  This is what opens the door so that you can access this information which was pre-encoded into who we are, before we incarnated on the Earth.  Then you will know exactly what you came here to do in this lifetime, and be able to put this knowledge TO USE, and take appropriate action.  When we agree within ourselves to step forward and DO the things we said we were going to do in human form, that calls forth the corresponding opportunities within this universal field of energy where everything is constantly responding to your EVERY THOUGHT!  The opportunities begin to come to us, so that we can use our gifts and talents to assist the Earth and all humanity to move forward, to make the shift into the energies of the fifth dimension, which contains the patterns of perfection:  Peace, Joy, Abundance, and Perfect Health.  This is our birthright, to experience this NOW!

Part Two – The Triad of the energies of Jeshua (Jesus), his Twin Flame Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary enfold us in their energies of love and healing.  And Mother Mary speaks to us: “I bring you the radiance of the Divine Light, Children of God, here upon Earth.  . . and it is my Love which shall sustain each of you through these moments of your time, through this blessed moment of love, in the radiance of His Light.”

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Audio 2 – Lady Portia

THE ENLIGHTENMENT PROJECT FOR PLANET EARTH – Lady Portia and Saint Germain bring us the perspective that they are doing many projects now in order to expand the consciousness of humanity “out of the box” of our old beliefs of separation and “aloneness,”  to bring us into the new state of expanded awareness of Unity Consciousness for the New Age upon Earth, where we will then be able to take our place within the Universal Family of Life.  We will regain our place within the universal network of consciousness by realizing that we are not that different from many other sentient beings existing throughout the cosmos.  Lady Portia urges us to “find your true place within the Universal Family of Man, but – beyond that – of all sentient life within the universe!”

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Class 56 – YOU ARE THE EXPLORER RACE!  Lady Portia encourages us to expand our consciousness during our waking hours “into the larger dimensional realities of where you exist!  To become truly beings of multi-dimensional awareness — to break the barriers in consciousness that you have set up for yourselves and to explore – unafraid!  You have achieved this expansion in the dream state (the exploration of other dimensional realities and the sentient Beings who reside there), and now we are doing the same for your waking hours – to balance this.  What is needed now is to extend all of this into your conscious awareness which occurs during your daytime hours when you are firmly in physical form”.

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Class 55 – Saint Germain gives us an overview of the significance of our nightly travels in consciousness while our bodies are sleeping.  “You traverse the starry pathways, gathering knowledge for many other beings – both on Earth and beyond.  This knowledge is shared, and expands the consciousness of Humanity to include the recognition of many sentient Beings in the universe who are quite different from yourselves.  The significance of this cannot be overstated in its effect on the necessary expansion within the consciousness of Humanity.”

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Class 53 – Lady Portia and Saint Germain invite each of us to ACTIVELY ENGAGE with the current circumstances and events of the outer world, and not to be afraid that we are somehow ‘not up to the task at hand’ in order to make the changes which will pave the way for Earth’s entrance into her Golden Age of Illumination.  We must NOW release ALL THE EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE that we allow to hold us back from accomplishing what we came here to do!  Time is short!  And the hour approaches when all of this MUST BE DONE – for the benefit of Earth and her people!  Will you sit by feeling as a helpless victim of all this, or will you rise up and help us to stem the tide of all of this, to change the direction for Humanity and Earth?!  Nothing will remain the same for much longer!  You do not have years and years with this.  You have run out of time to dawdle and think about this, and TRY TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO!  It is now the TIME FOR ACTION!  We wish you to hear this with your hearts – with the part of you that has the great KNOWING – that now knows how to respond to this information.  With much love, we are Portia and Germain.

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Listen also to Star’s Audio from this class on emotional clearing and healing techniques by clicking here

Lady Portia gives us an expanded view of her project on Earth now, as she and Saint Germain bring many of the Star Beings who wish to assist humanity to expand our consciousness so that we, as human beings, can realize that Earth and all humanity may be viewed as a complete unit of consciousness existing in space in full communication with all other sentient beings throughout the universe.

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Class 51 – The theme of this event is to release all that does not serve the Light of Who You Are!  To let go of all your doubts and fears about not being “good enough” or “capable enough” to be able to accomplish everything that is your Divine Purpose in this lifetime – so that you can reconnect with your strength, love, and power — to fulfill your Destiny.

Love Heals All Wounds.  Jeshua (Jesus) speaks as the Triad of the energies of Jeshua, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary enfold us:  “”Beloved Ones, recognize your Divine Perfection and release into our hands of Light all this stored material (our hurts and fears) that you have carried for so long.”  Mother Mary holds the Image of our Divine Perfection for each one of us.

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Jeanne d’Arc exhorts us “Bring forth your strength, your power, without fear, to BE THE TRUTH – yes – of who you are!  And I will have it be this way!  In this place!  By my Light, and my Power, and my Love for this One, (Jesus) who has just spoken to you.  Do you feel it!!!  Open the door to your Heart and let Him in, that you may be changed in an instant, as I was, to fulfill your Destiny upon the Earth, that you may work with Masters, Saints, and Teachers beyond anything you could ever have imagined – and to work hand in hand with Them, to see the return of Light to the Earth!  Will you open the Door to Your Heart and let the power that they bring change your life forever!”

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Class 50 – Jeshua speaks to us of healing our emotions and memories of pain and hardship as the Triad of His energies combined with Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary re-activate within us the etheric resonance of our individual Divine Names in order to awaken our Divine Blueprint of our Eternal Perfection as Sons and Daughters of God.

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Lady Portia speaks to describe a huge energy event now taking place, as Saint Germain facilitates our connection with the Star Beings.  She says “It is as though wheels within wheels have aligned to allow doorways to open for you which now you may use to effortlessly walk from dimension to dimension – to give you easy access to everything that you have thought of as “in your past or future time.”

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Class 49 – To begin the impetus of the New Year, on the day following Lunar New Year, The Triad of the energies of Jeshua (Lord Jesus) and His Twin Flame, Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary bring the Gift of the Divine Blueprint of who you Are, to infuse this Light within your Heart Center, in order to have this instantly transmitted directly to every cell, atom, and electron comprising your four lower bodies – physical, etheric/spiritual, mental, and emotional

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Saint Germain and Lady Portia expand on this theme by bringing us their perspective on the importance of claiming our original Divine Birthright of perfection in every moment of our daily experiences.  They say that ‘This is the moment of your recognition of your Divine Perfection!  Take this in, that you may be made whole by the completeness of this Divine Light!”

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Class 48 – Lady Portia suggests a course of action for us as we proceed into the energies of 2012:  that we form a strong alignment with the Beings of Light in order to be guided by them, strengthened, and reassured during these challenging times, which will contain many unexpected events — and we will need to respond to these very quickly.  She says to us “Respond to opportunity as you find it – for it will find you, dear ones, and you will be, we hope, pleasantly surprised!  This will be the time of your lives!  And it is just beginning!  The door opens now for each of you to realize what is your gift that you wish to make, yet, while you are here on the Earth!”

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Saint Germain brings us his council at this very important moment on the Earth:  “This year will bring many choices that you must make!  Think before you act!  When the road forks, seek spiritual council before you choose your course – for your decisions will spread out through your lives and affect much of the rest of your lives . . . not only in this year!”

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Class 47 – Chief Geronimo gives his sometimes humorous perspective on how we can best deal with the challenges of 2012 – to succeed in actually enjoying the experience!

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Class 45 – Lady Portia speaks to give the combined information of herself and Saint Germain (her Twin Flame) in this perspective,  which they have titled, somewhat humorously, “Lady Portia & Saint Germain’s Handbook of Guidance for the Year of 2012.”

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To download a transcript PDF of this Message, Click HERE to Open and save to your computer


2011 Audios

Class 44 – Jeshua’s Christmas Message: “Re-Igniting the Spark of Divinity within You.”  The Triad of the energies of Jeshua, Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary bring their healing energies to those of us on Earth.

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FREE PDF Downloads:

JESHUA’S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE  Part One “Re-Igniting the Spark of Divinity within You”  Click HERE to open, or download and save to your computer.

JESHUA’S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE – Part Two  “The Gift I Ask of You”  Click HERE to open, or download and save to your computer.


Class 43 – Winter Kiva memories of sacred ceremony in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, with the Pleiadian Council of Light

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Chief Geronimo remembers what it was like to be in human form, with all the challenges this presents, and encourages us, from this standpoint, to find our courage and take back our power, and REMEMBER WHO WE ARE – in order to face the immense challenges of the energy changes brought by the Year 2012.  He ends this message with a sacred chant and ceremony to return to us the lost or forgotten parts of our spiritual energies

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The evenings energies are sealed by Queen Nefertari, who is herself of Pleiadian origin, in beautiful words of blessing:  “We hold this Light, that you may have Memory!  You are Divine, REMEMBER YOUR ORIGIN! .  .  .  hold this Light for Earth, as she remembers Divinity!  Remember!”

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Class42 – Lady Portia brings the The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light for beneficial work with us, upgrading our systems to hold the new Light Codings for our DNA —  and she urges us to explore and activate the multidimensional nature of our Heart Center in order to learn of its highest uses and its great potential for awakening humanity.

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FREE PDF DOWNLOAD – The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light – “Change Is Here!” CLICK HERE To download

About the Pleiadian Council of Light:

They are a loosely-formed confederacy of emissaries from various planetary systems within the Pleiadian star cluster – a “United Nations” of the Pleiades.


Class 41 – Saint Germain instructs each of us in the magic of how to use the Inner Light of our energies and our connection with the Divine in order to overcome obstacles in our lives and protect our consciousness from the effects of negativity and conflict in the outer world.

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Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc) opens her heart of love to exhort each of us to live fearlessly and face the challenges of our lives knowing that Jeshua (Jesus), and Mary stand with each of us now, even as they stood on either side of her as she faced the moment of her death as she was burned at the stake, knowing that she was being translated into her Light Body to have spiritual existence with Them.  At the end of her message, The Triad of the energies of Jeshua (Jesus), Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary give their blessing to us.

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Class 40 – A Special Message! “The Triad” of Jeshua (Jesus), Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary bring their beautiful message on the importance of opening our heart center to effect the healing of EVERYTHING within our system, and describe how this is done

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A FREE PDF Download from Lady Portia on Self Empowerment. Click HERE to download the Free PDF (will open in new window)


Lady Portia speaks about the current challenges for those of us on Earth, while “The Triad” of the energies of Jeshua (Jesus), Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary anchor healing energies for the Earth and all humanity.  From Class 40 (slight pause before message begins)

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A Free PDF Download from Lady Portia on Emotional Authenticity.  Lady Portia presents an important message on ‘the missing link’ for many now, in our process of emotional clearing and healing.  Click HERE to download Free PDF (will open in new window)


Class 39 – A Message from Chief Geronimo from Class 39.  Chief Geronimo speaks to us about remembering who we really are, and does sacred ceremony to “The Creator of All,” Usen, to strengthen us, the “Warriors for the Light,” and to bring all Life on Earth back into the Sacred Hoop of Oneness for All Life.

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Class 38 – A Message from Lady Portia from Class 38 – “Awakening to Your Abilities and Putting Them to Use NOW!”

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A Triple Message from Class 37.  Includes an outstanding preamble from Star’s perspective and information condensed, in her words, from other channeled messages, and also, her human perspective.  It’s time to let people know that they don’t have to be in fear or take part in the emotional drama!  The Earth is not being destroyed, she is being reborn into Divine Perfection.  We all need to realize our gifts and talents, center ourselves, and begin to use these talents with love, wisdom, and power in order to co-create the New Earth in fifth dimensional reality.  You have the choice everyday to be centered in peace and in joy!

Jeshua (Jesus), Mary Magdalene, and Mother Mary bring the triad of their energies to anchor great love and healing for those of us on Earth.

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St Germain addresses Class 36 – His message is a timely topic:  “Learn to work in partnership with the Beings of Light, to discover all your latent talents — in order to take part in the transformation of Earth”

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Chief Geronimo provides timely and specific information for Class 35

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Queen Nefertari provides information for navigating these times (Class 34)

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Star Hinman provides an amazing overview of the energy of the current times and Lady Portia and St Germain address the Light Angels Class # 32 (edited for ease of listening)

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Chief Geronimo addresses the Light Angels Class #31

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Jeanne d’Arc addresses the Light Angels Class # 30

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Jeanne d’Arc addresses the Light Angels Class # 23

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Click HERE for FREE PDF Download from Jeanne d’Arc


Chief Geronimo addresses the Light Angels Class #10

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Lady Portia’s Message from the Live Teleseminar Class 19.

Click here to listen:

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There are three PDF handouts from this session, and they can be downloaded by clicking on the links below to open them up in a new window and save them to your computer:

Handout #1 – Creating your Sacred Space

Handout #2 – Invocation of Freedoms Flame

Handout #3 – Jeshua the Light of a Thousand Suns Meditation