Lady Portia, Goddess of Freedom, Justice & Opportunity.
Star Hinman, Channel. The Clearinghouse.
Copyright 2011.
Dear Ones,
It is unusual for us to advise humans on how to take care of themselves in the world, but we believe that you are needing some encouragement with this right now – to focus on this and realize its importance! This is, indeed, “THE NEED OF THE HOUR!”
We would urge that you take time for yourselves to do whatever brings you PEACE and CENTEREDNESS, such as:
• Being in nature
• Listening to music
• Participating in dance or exercise, to move energy in the body
• Or preparing healthful food to eat
But nutrition is not only food; it involves the ability to love yourselves, by FEEDING YOURSELVES POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS.
Also, it is listening to yourselves – all parts of yourselves – by maintaining clear communication with your Being, with the deepest parts that are within you, with your Spirit, our Soul, your feelings, all parts of you – so that you can hear what these parts are saying they need, and then supplying whatever this is!
Spiritual nutrition is accomplished by loving yourselves and releasing all that conflicts with this into the Light and standing in your Center.
Sometimes you get so caught up in analyzing, or believing that you have to know, everything that you think you need to clear from your personal space, BEFORE you will allow yourselves to simply be at peace and really love yourselves!
SIMPLY HOLDING THE INTENTION TO LOVE YOURSELVES IS ENOUGH! Refuse to be moved or distracted from this place by the outer world, or by what you perceive to be parts of you that conflict with this stance, or that you think “need to be healed.” When you align with your Guides, Teachers and Healers, then, by simply standing in your center, in this Light, all else is instantly transmuted and transformed.
On the subject of “solving problems,” know that you don’t have to do it all yourselves! Sometimes, by taking the stance that YOU have to SOLVE what you perceive as PROBLEMS in yourselves or your lives, you actually BLOCK the action of Spirit, your Guides, Teachers and Healers, who would assist you, if given the chance!
After you have done all that obviously needs to be done to set the situation aright, then what is often needed is VERY SIMPLE – so resist the urge of the ego to make all things complex at this point, so that IT is able to receive gratification by feeling that it has exercised its POWER to “solve” something!
It will be obvious to you what really needs to be done to take hold of a situation and begin to correct it – so do this, and then surrender to the action of Spirit, who knows what is needed for the highest good of all concerned. And you will be surprised at how easily things can work out in TOTALLY UNEXPECTED WAYS!
So, in summary, at this extremely challenging time in your Earthly experience, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES! And you are the experts on how to do this! We do not attempt to tell you how to do this, except to suggest some strategies which might be of benefit. You are each so UNIQUE with your own NEEDS! So identify and meet your needs to the best of your ability, and then have the Grace to allow Spirit to ASSIST YOU! And remember to rein in the ego when it has done sufficient work on a situation!
Know by “sensing” or intuiting when it is time to allow the action of Spirit, Creator, the All-Knowing Divinity, which ALWAYS works for the highest good of all concerned, to transform or transmute the lower into the higher forms of energy in your lives.
Blessings to each of you, Dear Ones,
I am Portia, and I have given you this Truth.
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