Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
Star Hinman, Channel. The Clearinghouse.
Copyright 2012
Star’s Note:
The Human and the Divine
In this time of our beautiful Christmas season and the emergence of the New Earth on the Winter Solstice of December 21 and 22nd, 2012, an event has brought forth an example of the lower energies which we are all focused on healing through the powerful transmuting effect of The Fifth Dimensional Violet Flame and the consciousness of the creative power of Transfiguring Divine Love and Unity Consciousness through the Law of One.
In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, part of us, the human part, feels grief, pain, and sorrow, and reaches out in love to comfort the grieving parents of the twenty children who were killed, and friends and relatives of the six adults who were also killed while trying to protect the children — and an entire community which has experienced this event – and, indeed, an entire nation. However, the part of us which is Divine knows that we cannot waiver in our focus in this moment when the entire Company of Heaven is even now depending on those of us in human form on Earth, the Lightworkers, to BE the steadfast channels for the Light — which is anchoring the Divine Blueprint for the Creation of the New Earth.
As it is said, “God needs a body,” and the Heavenly Realms are depending on us to do our work on Earth, to invoke the Light and anchor this into the physical realm of Earth, as only those in embodiment have the ability to do. When we allow events such as this one to put us into a state of fear, confusion, or emotional trauma, we are reacting instead of responding through our power of conscious choice. And when we are in a state of fear, this does tend to cause a disruption in our ability to connect with our Source, the Divinity within us — and also in our ability to claim our power of choice in the ways that we use our creative process. We are always creating, whether we are aware of it or not. And when we allow ourselves to go into a state of fear, we are unconsciously creating more of whatever it is that we are afraid of experiencing.
This moment is crucial in the completion of our task, because so much energy work is being done by the Company of Heaven within the Higher Realms and anchored through us, the Lightworkers, the volunteers on Earth, in preparation for the birthing of the New Earth. All is being readied — all is being completed in preparation for this event! Do your part in this sacred moment on Earth by staying focused on the Light!
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Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
Star Hinman, Channel. The Clearinghouse.
Copyright 2012
It has never been more crucial for humanity to recognize the importance – in this moment of pain, trauma, and suffering for yourselves and your fellow human beings as a result of these events (at Newtown, Connecticut) — of your holding the FOCUS of your consciousness steadfastly on the Light – for, as you know, whatever you focus your attention upon is magnified through the force of your consciousness and its ability to create!
When you, as conscious beings, allow your focus to be distracted from the Light at such an important moment as this, you allow yourselves to be controlled by events and circumstances, instead of consciously using the ability of your awareness to create what you wish to see take form in the outer world.
You are all Conscious Creators in training, and the focus of your awareness has tremendous power in the outer world — though you may not fully be aware of this at the present time. You are all learning to hold your focus on what you are creating, so consider this yet one more opportunity to practice toward your mastery of this ability. As these misqualified energies of violence are brought forward, know also that this shall be transmuted, cleansed, and purified from the Earth – and, as you trust this, you free yourselves from unnecessary fear in response to outer events such as this one which has just occurred.
As you know, this is the moment when tremendous energies for creation of the New Earth are even now being anchored onto your planet, and nothing can stop this process. However, this does bring forth all energies which are in opposition to humanity’s finally claiming total autonomy and freedom as creators — to know that you have the final power and ability in your lives and on your planet of creating the beauty, peace, and tranquility of all that is new and beautiful in your lives. We wish to assist you in this process by bringing this perspective of the importance of staying focused on the task at hand. And your job is to be the midwives, the conscious co-creators, to bring forth the energies of the New Earth and to anchor these onto the planet!
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Star’s Note:
The Beings of Light are even now surrounding us with such love and support, and urging us to remember to use the Fifth Dimensional Violet Transmuting Flame often, in order to free ourselves from all lower vibrational energies, so that we can be centered and at peace — to successfully anchor the new world that we want to experience onto Earth! This is a world of peace and beauty, where all people feel safe and secure and are loved. By inviting the Christ Light to be anchored now within the sacred Threefold Flame of our Heart Center, we reawaken Unity Consciousness and the Law of One within the human consciousness.
It is possible for us to successfully carry out our dual missions – “the human and the Divine,” — of sending our heart-centered love to those who have experienced these events, offering emotional and spiritual support for those who have been shaken by these events, as well as invoking the Violet Flame of Transmutation to blaze forth into these areas for clearing and healing, and to continue to act as surrogates for all humanity as we volunteer to be the channels for the Light of the New Age now coming to Earth!
It is possible, through the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and the Christ Light anchored in our Heart Centers, to turn this tragic event toward something positive for human evolution, bringing us one step closer to living in a society of conscious, open-hearted people — focused on Peace, Unity, and Love!
Blessings to each of you, in this Season of Hope,
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