Now is the time for us to Awaken!
Awaken the harmony that exists within us!
The Divine Pattern of Love and Oneness . . .
It is the NEW WAY
This is what will save the Earth!
When you
Starla and the Beings of Light, Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters, bring the message of Oneness and Healing, as we all learn to work together to bring the Earth into the new frequencies of Fifth Dimensional awareness: peace, love, joy, abundance, and perfect health.
As we learn to create our reality in the outer physical world based on the framework of these energies, these Fifth Dimensional patterns of perfection, our Earth will be transformed from a place of pain and suffering, physical disease, war, pestilence and plague, into the image of Heaven on Earth, which exists in our distant memories as the “Garden of Eden.” This is the image of Earth before the fall of mankind from our state of “Original Grace and Divine Perfection” which occurred aeons ago.
The Earth and all her life-forms are now being returned to this Divine State of Being through the action of Fifth Dimensional frequencies of energy, which have been released to Earth during the Shift of the Ages which occurred on the Winter Solstice of December 21st – 22nd, 2012. Because of this event, we are now vibrating at a rate of higher energetic frequency where the creation of the New Earth is now possible for humanity.
This is the message that Starla and the Beings of Light, Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters, bring to public events, in order to bring the new awareness that the time of suffering is now at an end on Earth, and that the time is NOW for the creation of “The New Earth,” in all her beauty and perfection, so that we can have the physical experience of joy, peace, love, abundance, and perfect health AS WE ARE LIVING ON EARTH, and not only when we “die” or transition back into the Heaven Realms of Divine Perfection!
Lady Portia & Saint Germain
Lady Portia, the Goddess of Freedom, Justice, and Opportunity is in a unique position to be able to offer her perspectives on this process for humanity, since she has, in her own words, “observed and assisted the progress of humanity for a very long time, since the beginning of the human race” as we know it now, and both she and her Twin Flame, Saint Germain, are available to counsel humanity in this process of “remembering your Divine authority and heritage.” This information, and the heightened energetic frequencies designed to raise your awareness into the higher dimensions, are brought forth by Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters through both Starla’s words, which are inspired by the Beings of Light, and also live channeled messages from these Ascended Beings of Light, which are often accompanied by energy attunements for those in attendance.
Both Lady Portia and Saint Germain are “looking for recruits for their Enlightenment Project for Planet Earth,” which is a very big project, carried out through synchronization of activities including many Beings of the Light, Cosmic Beings, Ascended Masters, the Star People (our brothers and sisters throughout Creation), and members of the Angelic Kingdom, as well as those of us now in physical embodiment on planet Earth, in order to bring the new thoughts, the new energies, the new AWARENESS which will lift mankind above the “Veil of Sorrows where you now abide,” they are saying to us.
All of this is designed to bring humankind into the awareness that we consciously chose to incarnate on Earth at this crucial moment in her evolutionary progress in order to assure that the Earth and all her life are able to move forward, up the spiral of evolution, into the next level of progress for us — the Fifth Dimension! We brought with us all of the talents and information we need in order to complete the mission that we came here to do.
Each one of us has our own unique part of this plan to accomplish, which can only be done by us. Lady Portia and Saint Germain have begun the Enlightenment Project for Planet Earth in order to awaken each person to their part of the Divine Plan, so that we can each become an active participant, consciously completing the mission of what we came here to do!
Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc)
Jeanne d’Arc was, at age 17, the youngest person of either sex to ever have command of the entire army of any nation on Earth, when she commanded the army of France in order to restore the rightful king, Charles VII, to the throne of France. Through her “Holy Grail” bloodline connection to the energies of Jeshua (Jesus) and Mary Magdalene, who were husband and wife, she brings to us the message and energies of the “Resurrection of mankind into your Divine State of Being.”
Her message is one of inspiration to people to “rise up and break the bonds” which would deny them full access to the “Truth of Who They Are,” and to cause them to ascend to their “Full Stature as a Child of God” – to restore them to the “Throne Room of their Own Divinity” even as she restored sovereignty to the French people and placed Charles VII on the throne of France.
It has been said that while she was incarnate in France, she was perceived by the French people as being “a Goddess in human form” — come to inspire, lead, and protect the French people as they journeyed onward in their path toward Freedom!
She works with many in the present day to strengthen and inspire them, and assist them to meet head-on the challenges of their lives, and to conquer all obstacles in their paths. In her own words, she says: “I carry the Banner of the Living Christ within my heart-flame forever, as my Inspiration and my Eternal Truth, and the Reason for My Being. It is my wish for you, that you may do the same!”
She exhorts us, “By your hand may the Will of God now be done on Earth.” She says, “I have come before you now to give you some perspective on these times in which you are living. None of you believe that you are ready for what is coming — yet I, Jeanne, will tell you that you WILL DO the impossible to carry forth everything that you have sworn before God that you will do!
“You must have this fire that is within your soul – that is within your soul’s presence – and that is what brings the fire of your soul into your body, and you must allow this! You must stop thinking about the worries and the doubts, and the ‘what if’s’ and the ‘who might’s.’ If I had worried about all of this, I never could have done what I did upon the Earth — to give the gift to the King of France, to be upon a throne, to be crowned in the Cathedral before me – the king of a great people, and a great presence upon the Earth!”
Jeanne brings the message of “The Return of the Goddess” to humanity now in present time, in order to restore us to our awareness of both our love and our power as Divine Beings capable of restoring the Earth to her original state of perfection:
“There are many in Spirit who assist you now! Even as the energies of the Goddess are being returned to Earth, to resurrect the ‘fallen female’ archetype, and everything that she represents within your consciousness! It is time for the full resurrection of the female consciousness into her full stature, as a Being of Light, able to walk upon Earth in all her dignity and strength – the full outpicturing of the completeness of her Divinity.
“The women of Earth are being empowered now through the energies of the Goddess, which are returning to Earth! You are being healed, daily!
Do you feel it! It is real, it is tangible, and it is changing your lives! You are needed NOW, to take your rightful place on the Earth as empowered women. Why is this so? Because, then you will then have your full power and strength, and the wisdom to know how to use these energies in order to protect and heal the spirit of the men who, for so long, have carried the burden of expressing strength on Earth. You will learn to use your true power to benefit not only yourselves, but the ones whom you love, even as I used my God-given power on the battlefields of France to protect, and, yes, even many times to heal the fallen, who were my soldiers. Tremendous healings occurred there, not by my ability alone, but by the grace, love, and power of the God and Goddess presence, as channeled to and through me by the ones known as Jesus and Mary.”
Jeanne’s focus, which she expresses in the public events, often through live channeling, is the return of peace, love, and power to humanity, as the heart center within both men and women is healed and opened, and the male and female energies are rebalanced within each person — whether they are in male or female bodies.
This symbol is the Cross of Lorraine which Jeanne carried on her standard, or flag, into battle. We hope it inspires you as well!
Chief Geronimo
“A Call to Action” & “Visions of the Future”
Chief Geronimo has given us a vision of what the future can be like for those of us here on Earth, when humanity has learned to work together in what he calls “The Three C’s” – which are “Conservation, Community, and Cooperation,” and “to walk with blessing on the Mother Earth.” This refers to the conservation of the Earth’s natural resources, the protection and appreciation of animal populations and plants, the creation of communities of conscious individuals who wish to live in peace and unity in harmony with all life, and the awakening of mankind to the fact that war is not the answer.
As we learn how to work together, as a people, one people united on the Earth, THEN, and only then will we have the united strength as well as the VISION to bring about the huge changes that are necessary to begin to live together in peace on an Earth which we have learned to love, appreciate, and protect.
His vision for the conservation of Earth and the awakening of humankind to the fact that we can learn to “live in peace and abundance on the Earth” is best expressed in his article, channeled through Starla, “A Call to Action,” where he says,
“My Children,
“Awake from your slumber and come forth now as Sacred Warriors for the Light! Even now you are remembering who you are and your Sacred Mission . . . know that you ARE guided Now — not in some future time — for THIS IS THE HOUR when your Heart and Strength are necessary on the Earth to turn the tide of the destruction which is even now taking place on the beloved Mother Earth!
“Who DO YOU BELIEVE IT IS who clothes you and shelters you from the storm and furnishes the food that you would put into your mouths to sustain your Life? It is the Mother . . . YOUR MOTHER, who gives all that you need to survive. Now she calls to you — to ARISE and remember WHO YOU ARE and WHY YOU CAME — and to protect her from those who in their IGNORANCE and GREED would cause her DESTRUCTION.
“In the old way of my people, we knew these things and many others — we walked the Sacred Path upon the beating heart of our dear Mother’s breast — and we knew that ALL we had came from the bounty which she brought forth by her love for us. But now you have the distortion of this sacred knowledge, and people no longer walk with Blessing on the Mother Earth. There is greed and rapaciousness which threaten to destroy the very fabric of Life upon the Earth.
“Many are those who seek to profit in this way — caring nothing for the destruction they are even now causing to the Web of Life upon the Earth . . . for all is related, as you are learning . . . and the Mother, in her wisdom, caused all things to be linked together in this one, huge, fabric of inter-related life upon this planet. For every ONE THING that you knowingly allow to be destroyed –countless others also are lost . . . but this is beyond the comprehension of many who carry out this destruction with no knowledge of, or regard for, the damage that they do! So it is AT THIS TIME that I begin to speak and add my Voice to those who would save the Earth — and I urge you to do the same!
“While on the Earth, I watched the wholesale slaughter of my People and the destruction of all that we held Sacred . . . so it is I, Geronimo, who calls you to realize the MAGNITUDE of what is taking place before your very eyes — though much of this has been hidden from your sight by many who do not wish you to have full information on these things. I call on you now, MY PEOPLE, to OPEN YOUR EYES and SEE what is happening. DO NOT WAIT for the powers-that-be to give you the TRUTH or to correct this situation . . . for the Balancing will come from the People — not from those who hold the power now.
“A new Light must shine in the consciousness of ALL — a fire must be kindled within the Spirit of Humanity that will burn so brightly that ALL will come to see it! Then ALL WILL KNOW the Truth of what is occurring on the Earth and what must be done to change this present situation so that ALL PEOPLE may come to know the Peace and Abundance that is possible on the Earth — if mankind will but move into Harmony with the Sacred Spirit of Mother Earth! You each have a part to play in this change — and no one is any more important than any other. Do not WAIT for another to do what is yours to do — but align yourself with your Spiritual Guidance and DISCOVER what is yours to do, if you do not already know it.
“CHOOSE TO TAKE BACK THE EARTH, the Mother, your Mother, from the grasp of those who have stolen her from you — For Creator meant that you live in Beauty & Peace & Freedom upon this Star, the Earth — and do not allow your BIRTHRIGHT TO BE STOLEN from you!
“I was a fighter when I was on the Earth — a SACRED WARRIOR for my people –and I urge you to do no less for those who are now YOUR PEOPLE!
“Blessings to you, those who inhabit the Earth, and may you choose to live in Beauty, Peace, Abundance, and Freedom!
“I am Geronimo, Chief of my People”
Jeshua ben Joseph – Lord Jesus
“I Am Not Different from You!”
In his messages to us, Jeshua (Jesus) is giving us the message that the time is NOW for us to realize that we are not different from him, separated by time, space, or dimensional differences. He is saying to us that “It is time for humanity to realize that WE ARE ALL ONE in the Divinity of the Father Mother God who has created all, and sustains the creation of all, the well-being of each person, and, in fact, the very LIFE of Mother Earth.
“The Earth is in need of your love and assistance, now, dear ones, as she struggles to repair the many damages which have ignorantly been inflicted upon her body! She is in distress, and is signaling to those of you who care, who are incarnate, and in a position to be of help to her, that, at this crucial time in her ascension process, she is needing your help, your love, your prayers, your good thoughts for her healing, more than at any time in the past history of this planet!
“There is no time to waste with this, and that is why I am wishing to step forward to speak this message of inspiration to each of you now, that you may choose to awaken to the task at hand, arise to meet the challenges of the present day and all that this entails, and DO what you HAVE COME HERE TO DO. . . NOW, TO HEAL NOT ONLY YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, BUT THE EARTH, AS WELL!”
Jeshua is also giving us the knowledge that he stands with us daily, moment by moment, to inspire us (and this means the “inspiration,” or “instilling of Spirit” into the body) – in order to strengthen and teach us in “the ways of healing,” he is saying to us now. He has begun to give us specific energy exercises for the body which will assist us in this “inspiration process” of bringing the Soul Star energies deep into the four lower bodies (the physical, etheric/spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies of mankind), to transform our bodies into Bodies of Light, capable of holding the complete patterns of our Divine Blueprint for perfection on all levels of ourselves, the four lower bodies. (These exercises and teachings will be done under his guidance at the live public events.)
“I will be teaching each of you in the ways of healing now necessary for the Earth, and for yourselves, to facilitate your process of returning to the memory of your Divine essence, your ‘Pattern of Perfection’ or ‘Divine Blueprint,’ as it is called, which is unique to each one of you! It is necessary to have the return of this now, as the ‘Foundation Stone’ of all that is coming for your progress upon the Earth. You are needed as healers, each one of you, NOW, upon the Earth — for the progress that is coming!”
He is asking us to step forward and claim our Divine Heritage as “the Sons and Daughters of God” in order to anchor the Light into Earth for the “founding of the Golden Age of Peace upon this planet, as it is meant to be!”
“I am not different from you! The same Divinity that is within me is also within you – in equal measure! We are the same! And all that I have done, you will do also – and greater than this! Do not allow the outer appearances in the material world to cloud your sight of what is possible when you align with me and the Divinity that is within your heart!”
“Life in Multi-Dimensional Reality”
Starla recounts her own adventures in multi-dimensional reality, beginning with encounters with the Star People who assisted her with “her memory” early in her life, so that she was able to recall not only meeting the Star People at a very early age, but also is able to recall past lives as well as her ongoing work in Lady Portia and Saint Germain’s activities in the other dimensional realms, which are missions organized by Lady Portia and Saint Germain for the furtherance of “Freedom’s Flame” throughout the known universe.
“These descriptions of her experiences,” explains Lady Portia, “will assist people to realize that the images which they constantly have in their minds are not simply fantasy, but represent actual events in the soul activities of all people. And this is normal,” Lady Portia says, “People need to realize this in order to have the full validation not only of all their memories, but, also, of the full quotient of who, actually, they ARE! It is a matter of realizing the full potential of the soul incarnated into human reality.
“This is very important for the growth of the human being at the present time on Earth,” Lady Portia is saying. “People need to realize that they no longer have to be artificially limited in their dimensional awareness! Just because something has always been a certain way does not indicate that the status quo must continue indefinitely, and unchallenged, forever, into the future!”
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