Saint Germain Addressing Class 100
Star Hinman, Channel for Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
The Clearinghouse. Copyright 2013
(Channel’s Note: Lady Portia, who is often mentioned in this discourse, is, of course, the Twin Flame of Saint Germain. )
You have heard much being said this night about fear and how to deal with all of these deeper emotions which seem to be so plaguing humanity at this time. And I am certainly not a stranger to having to deal with this because when I was alive and on the Earth I had much pain and torment in my life, and so I feel that I can bring each one of you some perspective on how to deal with this type of thing. And it is not by focusing upon it that it is healed, you see, it is by lifting your consciousness into the higher realms from which you have come and reuniting with all you know and everything that you have brought with yourself into this experience.
And this is what Portia and I have been working very hard to instill within each of you. It is this ability — regardless of what is going on around you — never to break the connection with your Divine source, because this is the source of your strength, as I so well learned during all of my experiences on the physical plane of Earth. And this is Germain speaking with you because I feel that I have unique perspective having, as you say, “been there and done that!” Because I did, how would you say this? — drop to the levels of despair — and these are very difficult emotions to deal with while you are in the human form. And so I had to learn how to approach this, how to move my way through this, and I became a great student of human suffering in some of these experiences which I would not like to repeat. And that is why I am hopeful this evening of using these experiences to distill the knowledge of what I did to raise my consciousness from this state and to once and for all demonstrate dominion over this type of thing.
And it is not by words or fear that you will overcome any of this! It is by the true knowledge of who you are and what is within you that the path inward to your Divine seat of consciousness is going to gradually be revealed for all of you. And I want to see all of you on this path and steady within yourselves, so that you know where you are going with this and you have a sense of security and purpose –because this is what will carry you through the darker times when you are coming face to face with your fears. It is not by dwelling on the fear that it is ever released. But sometimes you must walk through this experience, you cannot turn and run, you must have the courage of the knowledge that just on the other side of these emotions lies the transcendence into realms of joy and freedom for the human spirit. And this is where I want to see all of you focus your attention. It is not on the outer worldly problems where you will find the answer, it is by going deep within, by faith, by trust that this place does exist within each of you. You have to believe, first of all, that you can do this, with our assistance and encouragement from time to time when we may speak, such as this. Yes, there will be difficult times, but what you need to know is that with each one of these experiences the purpose is knowledge, the purpose is that you are drawn ever closer to this inner place within you that cannot be shaken by outer events. And that is what happened to me. I would wander out into the jungles of emotion until I would remember the way back home to my center of knowledge, where I knew who, in truth, I am — until I had claimed this self so strongly that nothing was ever again able to draw me out of this place. And I learned to focus my abilities, my mind, to maintain my consciousness within this seat of my power and knowledge as I faced the myriad challenges that life brings to human beings. I am no stranger to this, I have walked through the darkest days that humanity can imagine — but my life was not ended, you see? I am still alive, as all of you will be, you see? Nothing can take your life, nothing can end your life, so you do not have to worry about this. Yes, things change. Outer forms change — but the one immutable presence is your Divine Self which never, never shall change. And when you really realize this, it will eliminate the petty fears that so many of you spend so much of your energy fighting, you see. It is as though your consciousness strays out of where it belongs and you lose touch with the fact that you are an immutable consciousness of being which cannot be changed by outer forms or events.
Now, as you allow your focus to be drawn out to these outer dramas, you lose your focus on your seat of power — wherein lies the answer to any drama which may occur in the outer world — and so then it becomes the dance of the inner versus the outer. Which will win? I fought this fight for lifetimes before I ever got it right. And I expect there are those among you who will choose to go through more of this experience before you find the strength within yourselves to simply trust and have the faith that if you stay within your center, all will eventually right itself, you see?
Portia and I have taught much on this and the related subects to this which deal with the development of the consciousness so that you are easily able to keep the necessary soul presence within you in order to feel centered and to keep that center, regardless of what dramas of the outer world present themselves to your consciousness. This is a dance of consciousness, as I have said, and as long as you are in physical form this will be a challenge for you. Things are designed that way, to give you the experience of the outer as diametrically opposed to the inner and you wander back and forth between the two as you experience life on Earth. It is designed to be that way, for many reasons which have to do with the deep ways in which your consciousness resides in human form. All of this will be much clearer to you when you are in spirit — but this information will arrive too late to really assist you now — and that is why I am choosing this moment to bring this message of understanding of how to work with this aspect of the human mind which always wishes to go wandering out into the world and then forgets its source as it becomes enmeshed in what it finds. And then once again it is called back eventually to the center.
It is this dance of consciousness, as you interact with the outer world, which will lead you to higher and higher levels of understanding of the nature of consciousness and how it is designed to interact with the outer world while you are in physical form. And you will all become connoiseurs of this practice, I believe, in this lifetime — because you are all studying this. This is why you are having these challenges, many of you, at the present time. It is to instruct you in the “ins and outs“ so to speak, the highs and the lows of consciousness. There is much learning going on here for each of you that you do not always realize on a conscious level — all of the learning that is happening from some of these very distasteful experiences that some of you are having. And that is why I want to just reinforce the fact with you that there is deep learning happening within each of you. You are being instructed, you are being taught, you are making progress so that each time you are faced with these things it will not seem so difficult — and I expect some of you may be released from this cycle in this lifetime. You are that close, some of you, to completing this segment of the learning with this. But it will not be easy, it never is, as you come to the completion of one of these cycles because there are the tests which will come to you — and some of you know about this and some of you do not — but that is why I will speak to you briefly about this. For some of you these very distasteful episodes are, indeed, tests of your willingness to be instructed on these points and to receive a boost of energy to push you “over the edge“ so to speak, and get you out of this cycle. And so, be open to this when it happens — when you feel that you are being instructed by Masters on this — stop and pay attention because that is exactly what is happening.
We are watching your progress. Expectantly, yes, because we expect to see progress. We know that learning has occurred and each of you is nearing the end of a cycle with this, I will say, and that is why you have been instructed so diligently. It is to see if you can complete this in this lifetime — because this would be a very auspicious way to complete — in the energies which are happening now upon the Earth, to come to fruition with some of this which you have been working on a very, very long time.
There is still much to learn, and you feel this, I am sure — but one cycle often dovetails into another, so you are not so aware of completing one cycle because something else is beginning to take it’s place. The learning never stops — so do not be concerned that you will run out of lessons! That will not happen — that is my promise to you. There will always be something new being revealed to each one of you — but the lessons will not be as stressfull after this cycle is complete. I can tell you that and promise you that this will be something that you will remember for quite some time. Many of you are being stressed, but you are standing up very well under this — and that is why we want to encourage you in what is happening for you now. It is because some of you are very near to the completion of this cycle, and that is why I want to speak to you about this. Because we know that some of you are very tired on these points! This has been drilled into you, you feel, for a very long time.
But do not despair, dear ones, because the time of Enlightenment on these points is nearer than you would believe — and we are not going to abandon you to your learning process, as has been said. You have so much assistance, but some of you do just forget to ask for assistance from these very capable Guides and Teachers who have been furnished to each one of you. So let me say that to remember this point would hasten the remainder of your transit through this learning experience — and I know you all wish this!
Portia and I feel that you are very dear to our hearts, and we hold each of you in the greatest love and devotion — and I know that you feel this. And that is what she’s wishing me to say to you. It is that, yes, you are held within the love of our hearts and you have total assistance from all of us and the Angels who often assist you as well. I hope you will remember the ones who walk with you, because they can be of immense assistance at this crucial time on Earth and in these cycles which many of you are completing now.
Our blessings to each one of you! And we hold you in the Light, in our thoughts, in our hearts!
Blessings to each one of you,
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