Lady Portia & Saint Germain
Addressing Class 103
Star Hinman, Channel for Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
The Clearinghouse Copyright 2013
(Click on Tabs below to read articles – to download as a PDF CLICK HERE)
{tab=”The Significance of the Passing of Nelson Mandela”}
The Significance of the Passing of Nelson Mandela:
A Healing for the Hearts of Humanity
The very heavens have been opened by the prayers of the ones who, in response to Nelson Mandela’s passing, have opened their hearts! There has been such a huge outpouring of love through the hearts of humanity that this has caused this huge opening in the energies of the Heaven Realms that you are all feeling, and it is of course no accident that this is happening at your time of Christmas, when the Light of the Christ Presence is coming so strongly to bathe the Earth.
This huge outpouring of love from the hearts of humanity has caused a real opening in the Heaven Realms for the Christ Light to pour onto the Earth at this time of Christmas — and the timing of all this could not be more perfect for the opening of the Heart Center and the activation of the Heart Flame of humanity! (The Three-Fold Flame of love, wisdom, and power) And know that this is the next step for all of you – to open your hearts further so that you can hold more of the energies of your I Am presence which exist in the Heart Flame energies — and this is what is going to propel each of you, in the coming year, to new understandings of how to live on Earth and to experience the energies of love and freedom — and all of these beautiful energies which many of you have been striving to access, in the process of your development.
And many of you have been saying “Why can’t I experience more peace and love and abundance in my life?” And this is our answer to you, it is to allow this opening, this alignment between Heaven and Earth, assisted by the one that you know as Mandela, to benefit you. And through his beautiful gift there has been this huge opening and alignment between the Earth and the Heavenly Realms which is healing the hearts of many people – because they are finally getting his message that love is the answer to all of this. Many people are understanding this for the first time in their lives by witnessing the example of this man who was imprisoned for 27 years on Robben Island, and he has described this as being “the crucible of fire” where he was transformed by this experience into the person who could love his captors, his jailers, and to extend this love to all those in his country. Because this huge wave of healing has come full circle, now those energies are returning to him at the time of his passing into the higher realms – and he is receiving these huge waves of energy which are propelling him even higher into the Heavenly Realms.
This is only the beginning of this beautiful process that has been begun by his passing, and this will continue through your Christmas season! And for many, many years the energies of what is being begun here will continue to bathe the Earth in this force field of love. It is so powerful because it is coming forth at this time of Christmas, and it is magnified in its intensity by this huge outpouring of the Christ Light which it has called forth from the Heaven Realms, and we want all of you to understand the gift that you have given to all humanity by opening your hearts in love to this one, Mandela, who gave such a gift of himself to all humanity upon the Earth. And he has been truly blessed, even as his acts of such selflessness have given to you a gift which you have not fully recognized as of yet, regarding the immensity of what you are about to receive from this.
This will be a many-year period which will assist with the healing of Earth because of this opening in the Heart Flame energies which has occurred at Christmas — and which allows this influx of the Christ Light. Know that by your focus on these energies, you are still able to intensify all of this even further! For those of you who wish to give the gift of your love, know that it is gladly received by all of us here in the spiritual realms who have assisted this process as we may – because, as you know, nothing such as this may be done in the Earthly realms by spiritual beings without the consent and the heartfelt participation such as what has been given by all of you. So our blessings go out to each one of you in the knowledge that you will continue on this path, and you will all reap great benefit from your efforts.
{tab=”The Opportunities of the Coming Year – Lady Portia”}
The Need of the Hour Is for Freedom and Responsibility to Be Balanced within You
So that You May Avail Yourselves of the Opportunities of the Coming Year
Lady Portia
Those of you on the Earth now are coming into a time which is going to be based on the energies of freedom, and for those of you who are not aligned with this energy, and have not integrated the concept of this and the expression of this within yourselves fully as of yet, you will need to pay more attention to this over the coming weeks and months — because in the coming year the energies are intrinsically on the theme of more freedom for humanity. And so you are going to become more and more aware of how you may be out of alignment with the concepts and the energies of freedom. How easy is it for you to express your freedom and to feel as though you are free? And we want all of you to know that this is not some difficult assignment that we are giving you now at the present time – and, in fact, we are very hopeful that this may be one of the more enjoyable assignments among those that we have given each of you, because we have noticed that human beings do enjoy the concept of freedom, and you do some of your best work while you are on this theme! And so we are happy to be able to give you an assignment which you may relish and enjoy more than some of the others that we have presented to you in the past year.
What you need to know about this, dear ones, is that freedom must always be in balance with all the other chakras and energies in your system, for one chakra such as the solar plexus does not operate solely by itself. Some of you are so afraid that “if I go into this area of freedom, I will be out of control with this,” and so you really put a lot of control on the solar plexus – and this is something that is going to be removed in the coming year. This will be across the board for humanity, it will be a removal of certain restraints which have been in operation in the solar plexus of humanity for a very long time, and this was instituted for reasons which we need not go into now — but suffice it to say that you are going to find new ways to express your freedom and to feel secure in this, because some of you are very fearful of experiencing freedom. You feel that there is a danger of this getting out of hand, so these are emotions, these are beliefs about freedom that all of you are going to need to look into, and go to the deepest levels within yourselves in order to find the blockages, to find the stereotypes that you wish to move beyond, and to become comfortable experiencing the genuine level of the healthy expression of freedom — which is balanced with a healthy level of responsibility.
And I’m sure you all know what I am talking about. You are familiar with people who have gotten into much difficulty by letting the concept of freedom run away with them, until they have created unacceptable results in their lives. But this is not what we are talking about with you — because most of you are so controlled in your use of freedom that we are not concerned about this with any of you. Most of you tend to be more overburdened in the area of the responsibilities that you carry, and that you allow to be placed upon you by other people or circumstances — and some of you even volunteer for much of this!
And this is going to be the year when you will need to claim the freedom of who you are and your self-expression in order to keep pace with the opportunities that are going to be presented to you by the accelerated energies in the coming year. Much will change in what you are able to manifest, dear ones. You will all be surprised at how easy it is to move beyond all prior limits that you have put on yourselves about the speed at which you think things should or could manifest in your creations — and so I’m giving you this little warning not to be taken aback when you find that things that you have been working on for quite some time to manifest are now coming very quickly, because these are the energies that you are going to be dealing with in the coming year, and I am very happy that we are able to speak to you about this, because this is the message that you are needing to hear about the year that is coming before you.
It is a year of such change for humanity! And this will be a very personal level of change with many of you. Some of you will find that your lives will be unrecognizable at the end of this year as to what they were at the beginning. It will be a time of dramatic shifts from one end of the pendulum swing to the other — and many people will be carried from one end of the pendulum swing to the other and then back the other way several times before they are able to stabilize in what would be beneficial for them in a balanced center point of energy.
You all know what I am speaking about here, but this is going to take you by surprise because of the speed of events once this year begins and the momentum of events begins to increase, almost as though it is building on itself and on the carried momentum from one event to another. And this is going to lead to some intensity for you! You need to realize this because those who are caught unawares by this phenomenon are going to have somewhat of a jolt in responding to this, and that is why I am telling you about these things — because to be forewarned is to be, as they say, forearmed, and ready to have a constructive response to this type of thing rather than to be caught off-balance and unprepared, as many will be, I feel.
The entire year will not be like a roller coaster ride for you, I am not saying that things will be out of control, but there will be periods of quite some intensity, and you need to be prepared for this so that even during these times you will be able to make the highest and best use of these energies which can be used very constructively for the goals, the projects, that you’re working on in your lives. For those who are prepared for this, and have set their goals, and know what they’re wishing to achieve in this year, the energies will be there to propel these things into physical form much more quickly than you have ever experienced before – so, to use these energies will be the greatest benefit to humanity, to be prepared to use these constructively — and not to be knocked off their center by this and be unprepared to deal with the results of this, I would say.
Germain and I will be speaking to you many times during the coming year about all of this, and the messages will continue in order to keep each of you on track with this – because things will change, there will be the unexpected moments, there will be the changes in plans for all of you, and what you thought was going to happen this year. So remember to maintain your flexibility and be ready to adjust your plans “at the drop of a hat,” as they say. Those who have the attitude of flexibility will find a much easier passage through these energies, I believe. We know that all of you have been prepared for this for a very long time – this is not anything that you are unprepared to deal with, yet you will need to be on your toes with this! And that is our message for you this evening, and we wish you all the best with this. Many of the ones that we work with will be speaking with you about this as well, because there are many perspectives on this subject – and so we wish you a fond good evening.
{tab=”The Open Heart Center – St Germain”}
The Open Heart Center Strengthens and Protects Your Energy Field
from Absorbing Non-Beneficial Energies
Saint Germain
Regarding the importance of the heart center energies, dear ones, we want you all to understand that the importance of these energies goes far beyond what you know, what you have usually understood with this, because we wish to give you the perspective that your energy field is funded with energy very much by your heart center energies. And we want you to understand this for the coming year because this concept is crucial to what you will be needing to know in order to operate successfully in the energies that, as Portia has told you, you’re going to encounter in 2014.
And so I want to prepare each of you with this concept that the open heart is a protection, because it brings such strength to your energy field. And, as this is strengthened, you take on less extraneous energies from the outside world — which are not always to your benefit when you absorb the energies of other people, such as the thought forms, and in some cases the energies of fear or anger — because there are still many misqualified energies being created in the world by people who have not learned the lesson to take command of their thoughts and feelings and to create on the highest levels with this. And so, you see, you are still surrounded in this sea of negativity — where, if you do not keep a strong boundary system of your own energies, you may find that you are unknowingly absorbing these non-beneficial energies into yourself.
And what we want all of you to recognize at the present time is that it is not beneficial to approach this entire concept in a fearful manner, because this actually weakens your energy field, you see! So this is a very interesting proposition — to speak about this to human beings and to have the desired effect – because you need to understand the importance of keeping a healthy auric field, a strong body energy, and yet not to do this out of fear, you see. And the open heart is one of the quickest and easiest ways that I have found to explain this concept to human beings.
Because so many of you have been wounded in the heart, you think of this as a place of vulnerability and something to be protected by keeping it closed. But all humanity is now being educated on this point and encouraged to understand this from the higher perspective which I am presenting to you now — to understand that the open heart is actually the greatest protection that you will ever have — because when your heart is open you are immediately connected to the higher energies, to your Guides, your Teachers in the Heaven Realms, and all those who wish to assist you.
Think of this as a conduit of energy – it is like a telephone line, where you can ask questions and receive answers, you can request assistance and receive energy. It is your connection to all of us, to the Heaven Realms, to the Angels who stand beside you and wait only for your invitation to be of great assistance to you. And so what we want each of you to recognize is that in the coming year it would be to your great benefit to consider opening the heart as much as you feel comfortable in doing and experimenting with the use of these energies that you find coming into your body – because this will give you much more energy, you will be surprised!
The heart center is as important, if not more so, than the solar plexus for bringing energy into the body. It is a great encouragement to the spirit to do so, and we expect that all of you, through your experiences with this, after this encouragement, will have great success in reviewing your past beliefs about the vulnerability of the heart center, and hence the necessity to keep it closed, and you will change your minds about all of this – realizing the huge benefits which accrue to humanity when you learn the proper use of the heart center to enhance your energy field and to experience the connection to all the beautiful energies of the higher realms – which you may experience through this energy center.
There is nothing to fear about opening the heart, and that is what you will all learn! There are many, many levels to this — and we will be bringing you the messages of this as the year progresses. We have great expectations for the wonderful progress which will be made by all of you, so thank you for your attention.
It has been our pleasure to be with you this evening. Good evening.
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