Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc)
Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger for
Lady Portia and the Ascended Masters
Copyright 2015 by Star Hinman
“It does not matter what is in
the outer world around you.
What matters is in your heart
and what you will receive.”
This message was preceded by a message from Jeshua (Jesus) about the divinity within each person.
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It is I Jeanne who stands before you now. Dearest ones, it is no secret that you have my heart. It is no secret that we all adore you. Yet many of you do not believe these words in your minds and then your mind becomes the great blockage to your hearts. And that is what I wish to open this night – to have access to your hearts to bring the truth of these words, which He has spoken.
He has touched my heart. He has opened my heart. Allow it to be so with you, dearest ones. Allow this blessing to come deep within you and to live within your heart, and He will come where He is invited.
You all have the ability to move far beyond the place of doubt and fear, which can be such a prison to the human consciousness. I was in this prison at times in my life, and yet ultimately I was delivered into His hands of power. I know what it feels like to be in prison, in a dark place of fear and torment. I have walked this road in my life, as you all know, for you know my story and I do not need to re-tell it to you. Yet I will say that there is salvation from these places where the doubt and the fear carry human consciousness to these places of darkness and the prison of the mind and the heart.
Many of you, you are not in prisons of stone walls, but you are in the prison within your heart, within your mind. And that is what I would free you from this night, by my words, by my love, by reminding you all of how greatly you are loved and revered by all of us here.
Many of you are great beings of light. Do you realize this? Many of you do not know truly who you are. And that is why I’ve come to be allowed to speak with you and to bring this perspective that perhaps you do not know who you really are. Have you ever thought of that?
I did not know who I was for much of my life. But as I lived it became clearer and clearer as the angels came closer and closer, and finally they began to speak to a poor girl who had nothing of the outer world.
It does not matter. It does not matter what is in the outer world around you. What matters is in your heart and what you will receive, what you will allow yourselves to take in from what is coming to you, from the angelic beings and all of these great ones, these masters who stand before you now. They stand all about you. Do you feel their presence showering you with love, illumination and power to realize, yes, the divine power that is within each of you?
That is what they brought to me — the revelation of my power to free France from all that held her a helpless prisoner of darkness. And it shall come to you the same way – this revelation from the light and of the light of who you are.
I say to you now dearest ones, many of you know not who you are. You see the shadows before your faces and you believe the lies that have been told to you that have broken your hearts and confused your minds.
But believe me now when I say to you: there is truth within your hearts if you will open them to receive these gifts of the divine and all of these — the masters — who stand with you now, so ready to shower their blessings and their wisdom upon you. If you will only believe, as I did when they spoke to me.
It is truth: it is freedom of the spirit to know who one is — yet while you’re on the earth. It is a moment of freedom. It is [an] opportunity to leave all behind as I did and to travel far on an unknown road by faith, by trust, by faith in these great ones who surround you now, the same as they surrounded me.
They are here with you, just as they were with me, a poor farm girl who knew nothing of letters or any of this. Yet, you see where I was led by trusting their great power and their love and the truth which they bring constantly to all on earth. Do not be afraid, dearest ones. Yet let your destiny unfold before you now, and follow it. Do not be afraid to follow the road of your destiny. You are all being led by these beautiful, beautiful ones. You do not see them, yet I do, and they are here about you, round about you each one of you now.
It is beautiful to see their light enfolding and blessing each of you and inviting you to go with them in the ascended realms and be taught to be loved and be changed to more than you ever thought you could be.
It is by trust. It is by following the path where they lead, without fear, but on trust, as you see them before you in their great light and you trust, as you are being led down the road to your own greatness, your divinity, your destiny.
Trust dearest ones, because you have greatness within you. All of you. I can see it within your hearts. I have the gift of sight to see the truth and beauty often hidden within the human being. And so I tell you of the gifts, the hidden gifts that are waiting now to emerge, to be born, to be seen, to be trusted, to be allowed to live and be born, and to grow, and to evolve into more and more each day. It is magnificent the destiny of the human being who trusts enough to take the first step on the road of the rest of their lives.
Leave the prison and travel the road. That is my word to each of you, dearest ones, to have faith and love and power, and to ride the beautiful horse of your destiny down this road to wherever it leads. My blessings from the deepest places within my heart go with each of you to accompany you on your journey. I am Jeanne – with you now as I was with you then. Adieu beloved ones.
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