June 2015
Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc)
Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger for
Lady Portia and the Ascended Masters
Copyright 2015 by Star Hinman
“As I carried their banner in battle for the love of God,
so you will carry on your soul the banner
inscribed with their names: Jeshua, Maria.”
Angels that you are, incarnate. This is Jeanne who would speak with you, dearest ones. And he [Jesus] is truly the greatest one who has come to you, my Lord and master while I was upon the earth, and the one that beat my heart yet while I was in human form.
And I tell you now; he has allowed me to speak with you for a few moments in memory of the greatness of his work upon the earth. He is the one who has raised the dead. There is nothing that is beyond his power and in the greatness of his love it has been his wish to be with you this evening, and we have all been benefited from his presence. For wherever he goes is the radiance of his divine light and that of his mother as well.
And the three [Jesus, mother Mary and Mary Magdalene] that travel and work for the benefit of humanity – they are the light of the world and they deserve our greatest love, which we may all send to them this evening.
I know they have touched your hearts, and so it is I who comes to you now also to touch your hearts and to tell you that you are more than you know, dearest ones, that you are going to find out what is truly within you by the radiance of their light, which has expanded your light a hundredfold and brought you to new levels of consciousness where you may yet have the experience truly of heaven on earth. For it is possible for all of you.
And I come to tell you these words through the love of my heart, to be with you for a moment to share the beauty of their presence with you and to have the experience of it in human form yet once again.
As I carried their banner in battle for the love of God, so you will carry on your soul the banner inscribed with their names: Jeshua, Maria, as I did so long ago. I have not forgotten what it was like to be in the radiance of their light and to feel in physical form their light upon me and their love beating in my heart. I will never forget it.
So I take this moment of your time yet to sit with you and to reminisce for a moment of what it was like to be in human form and to have their love upon me, as I feel their energies in this room now through this physical form as I now speak with you. And it is beautiful to have this moment to be yet once again human in the radiance of their light and also to be in the radiance of your love.
Dearest ones, you are magnificent beyond your knowing. You all carry the banner of the Christ light. Not in the battles as I did, but in battles of your own. For you all have your own battles where you must be brave and – carrying the radiance of their light – you will be fearless against all foes and against all odds.
And you will overcome all enemies to the light, as I did in my life-time. And once again, the banner of their love and light will ride afar with each of you, and be held aloft for all to see, as you bring the radiance of their light and their love and the sword of their power. It has been given and it will continue – in power and in beauty.
You carry this forward for the light of God to be made known and to be seen on earth as it was in my time when I lived in earthly form and had the joy of seeing their presence before me, giving me such love as I can only remember. It is a memory I treasure and I share with you now that you may all hold it within your minds and hearts, that you may as well have the benefit of all of this as you’re carried forward on your paths of glory in the radiance of their light.
For they are truly with each of you daily, hourly, guiding you. Do you realize the guidance that you have? No, you do not, but you will, by the grace of God and by my hand.
For it is my intention to assist each of you, if you allow it. And I may yet bring my banner to bear on the earth through each one of you through the grace of my love for each one of you.
For I can see the great works that you’re capable of doing, and I will ride by your side as I did then. And it will be now in present time, and it will be with each one of you to carry you forth when you are afraid, when you falter, when you think you cannot do what is before you, yet I will be with you, as real and as true as I am in this moment.
So know it, and do not doubt for a moment the power that I bring with me from the divine ones who yet still assist me in my work upon the earth, even as they will assist all of you if you accept their outstretched hands and the love of their hearts to strengthen you in the moments when you have doubts or you falter, and you feel as though you have been beaten to the ground, and you cannot continue. Their light and their love will raise you up, even as they raised me up from the flames, which consumed my earthly body and carried me into the heavenly realms of paradise, with the saints and all the beautiful ones who are there.
And they will do the same for you, even though you do not leave your physical form, they can carry your heart forward, they can resurrect your faith. They can bring you thoughts you never knew of how to proceed in your life.
We all work tirelessly for your benefit. Do you know that? You think you are alone, but you are not. We are all with you continuously, from the higher realms. Yes [we are] not in your physical form that you can see us, but do not doubt, beautiful ones for our presence is very real when we are with you. You will feel us. You will know that we stand beside you ready to assist again in a moment’s notice. So call us to you.
And we will yet ride to you in battle as I have done so many times to bring the light of God where it was needed on the earth, and I still do the same, though people do not see me with their earthly eyes, yet I ride with my banner and sometimes with my sword, if it is needed.
So you see – you have more assisting you here than you might have thought – and that is our intention this night to bring you the consciousness of this assistance. For those of you who feel that you are alone or forgotten in the heavenly realms, we have never forgotten any of you. And it breaks my heart that some of you believe you are alone. So I come through the love of my heart to be allowed to say these words physically to you to set your mind at ease, and to tell you this message.
They stand with you now even as I did and our love will never fail you. That is our oath and our pledge to each one of you. So call us to you in your moment of need, and you will find us arriving swiftly and bringing many forces with us who may also assist you.
For we do not ride alone, dearest ones. We have our forces in the heavenly realms, just as I did upon the earth. We are with you in an instant when you call, just as has always been done. The love of these great ones enfolds you now and keeps you in truth and safety throughout the remainder of your lives on earth. That is our wish for each of you, beloved of the light. I will go with you.
Adieu, dearest ones.
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