By Star Hinman – with a Message from Count St. Germain & Lady Portia
Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger and Channel for
Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
Copyright 2015
The Message from Star:
There are many levels of information and what we consider to be truth! There is the truth delivered to us by our five senses of the physical body, and then there is the higher spiritual Truth, which is everlasting and eternal. There is also the “truth” comprised of what is commonly believed on the Earth at this time in our evolutionary process.
When we depend on our five senses or what people are telling us is the “truth” about a situation in our lives, we only get half the picture! We only accept half the help and divine assistance that is actually available to us, once we broaden our horizons and open our minds to receive more. For example, when we only accept what we think is possible in a given situation, we are not bringing in the levels of divine power, truth, and assistance which can work miracles in our lives.
When Jeshua saw the lame man lying by the healing pool, he didn’t say “Oh that poor man! He is too lame to ever make it to be the first one into the water and receive healing.” Instead he chose to focus on the higher truth of the spiritual realms. He told the man that he was able to get up and walk. He didn’t say “maybe this will happen tomorrow if your belief is strong enough.” He said “arise and walk now.” This is a perfect example of our own ability to choose which version of “truth” or reality that we are going to empower by our beliefs and the focus of our consciousness. We all have opportunities like this daily to decide which version of truth we are going to accept and manifest into our life’s experiences. Our consciousness is powerful beyond our knowing when we are connecting with the divinity within us, just as Jeshua did. The power of divine truth is immediately present and acting in our lives when we open the door in our hearts, minds, and emotions and allow ourselves to believe – and then the miracles happen!
The power of the divine realms can change circumstances in our physical, earthly lives, and in our minds and emotions. It can supersede the mortal laws of cause and effect and lift us up into new levels of being that we have only dreamed of as possibly existing. We don’t have to be victims of circumstance and say to ourselves statements such as, “I’ll never have that job I’ve always wanted, I’m too old and I don’t have enough education,” or “I’ll never find the person that I’m truly meant to be with.” When we focus on and invoke the power of divine truth, this can bring us into new circumstances where our innate gifts and talents are recognized and appreciated, and rewarded by financial abundance. We can meet a person that we feel is our life’s partner! Our mind is often what we allow to limit us, when we only see the “facts” presented by the five senses and earthly reality.
Aligning Our Consciousness with Higher Truth
The material realm presents a picture which is often based only on the limiting thought forms created by “The Fall of Man” from divine consciousness. This picture can contains such things as painful experiences, suffering, death, hatred and violence. However, there is a higher divine truth of our being which is still present, it is still true, and it is ready to act in our lives and transform all circumstances which are out picturing the belief in these lower vibrational realities.
We have the opportunity and ability to choose which of these realities we will focus our consciousness upon and therefore manifest in our earthly experience. However, sometimes it takes amazing fortitude, resilience, and determination within our human selves to hold our focus on the higher reality while we are experiencing these challenges and traumas in our day-to-day earthly lives. The Beings of Light lovingly suggest to us that we practice this “art of concentration on higher spiritual truth” while we are involved in living our lives on Earth. It does take practice! And probably few among us have mastered this art as of yet! However this is what we are here on Earth to learn — it is how to hold our focus on what we know to be divine truth while we are experiencing the challenges of the material realm. The times in which we are living now are presenting the necessary challenges to encourage us to quickly learn this lesson of how to focus on what we want to see manifesting in our daily lives.
When we allow our human consciousness to focus only on the outer pictures of the pain and suffering often seen in the material realm, this pain and suffering is then mirrored in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies – causing great pain and distress, even disease, “dis-ease,” in the body, as the body mirrors outwardly the picture of what is occurring within our mental and emotional bodies. Our emotions can be thrown into disarray, and our mental function can become disorganized when we allow ourselves to focus only on the lower version of “truth” presented by the material realm to the exclusion of the higher spiritual truth of the divine realms.
The Beings of Light never suggest that we bury our heads in the sand by denying and refusing to see what is occurring around us in the material realm. Since we are human, it is not beneficial to deny our authentic human reality. However, the problem comes when we limit our consciousness to this level of our vision and do not see the higher truth!
The Two “Truths”
It is as though there are two levels of reality that we, as human beings on the Earth, are being asked to see and integrate within ourselves now. There is the obvious day-to-day reality of our earthly experience which may contain many challenges such as pain and suffering, and then there is the higher level of the energies of spiritual law and truth which are constantly operating in our lives, whether we see and realize this or not. Our challenge is to believe in what we cannot see with our physical eyes — and know to be truth that which we often cannot experience directly in physical form. It is the balance of the perception of these two realities within us that leads to physical health, emotional joy and peace, and mental clarity. It is not enough to just say what we believe to be the higher truth, or to just know it – although this is a good start! We must also feel this divine truth reverberating through every part of ourselves — down to the most minute parts of our being, which is the level of the intelligence of the cells, atoms, and electrons within us.
Due to the effects of the experience known as “The Fall of Man,” there are many thought forms existing on the Earth which contain the images and information of disempowerment, despair, pain, suffering, disease, and death. These were never a part of the divine plan for Earth. Humanity decided, at a relatively early point in our evolution on Earth, to experiment with our powers of creation. Traditionally, we had used these powers in alignment with the divine source of All-That-Is, in the process of co-creation between humanity and the divine source. Then we began to use our human will and powers of creation to create thought forms which contained the lower vibrational patterns of jealousy, hatred, violence, ego-aggrandizement, and many other things which were not in alignment with the higher, divine plan for Earth. Because of our free will, this process was not interfered with by our Creator, and many things were created which had the effect of lowering the vibrational frequency of humanity so that we experienced the “Fall from Grace,” or “The Fall of Man” from the ability to connect with our divine consciousness and the source of our being.
Broadcasting the Truth
Our mind, our consciousness, is a powerful broadcasting station, constantly broadcasting messages to all parts of ourselves. It broadcasts to our physical bodies, giving them the information of what to create and outpicture in physical form. It broadcasts to our emotional body, giving us the foundation of the emotions we will be feeling and experiencing. We can use this broadcasting system like a radio station that broadcasts words and music to the surrounding community, by consciously choosing what message we are broadcasting and revising this to be a message of divine truth instead of a printout of our fears and worries. Our minds are continually broadcasting what we consider to be the truth of our reality to every cell, atom, and electron within us. Just think of what a difference it can make if we are broadcasting divine truth and creating peace, health, and joy within us!
We often allow many limiting beliefs to rule our consciousness when we are broadcasting such things as “I’ll never get the job I want, I’m just not qualified,” or “I’ll never be able to live in beautiful surroundings – I can’t afford that type of house,” or “I don’t have the money, knowledge, and ability to start the business I want.” When we are sending out these types of messages to ourselves, we are broadcasting from the lower levels of human belief – beliefs in limitation and inadequacy that create stress and tension. This process can allow and facilitate the creation of “dis-ease” within the body, because our bodies literally believe every word we say, and so it is very important that, when we speak to our bodies, we speak from the level of divine truth – the truth of our perfect health.
Fortunately we can change the frequency of our broadcast to start broadcasting the divine truth of our being which can include messages of hope, faith, empowerment, and abundance! We can begin broadcasting messages to our bodies from the higher realms, not the lower human consciousness which may be struggling with the circumstances of lack and limitation on Earth. And in this way we can begin to experience the freedom and victory that is our birthright!
Freedom from Victim Consciousness
Sometimes we love to whine and complain! It’s a human thing to do! Sometimes it’s a beneficial part of the healing process for the human parts of who we are to be able to express ourselves to others and be heard, loved, supported, and understood for the pain and challenges we have experienced and are overcoming. Sometimes this is a necessary part of our process as we attempt to understand all of the emotional experiences we have had. But, at some point, we need to move along in the process and begin to also integrate the image constantly being projected to our human consciousness by the higher levels of ourselves — which are aware of the divine truth and source of our being.
Life can be complex – we never see just one level of consciousness, though we may see one level at a time. The trick is not to get stuck in just seeing the lower levels of human experience and only seeing the many limitations presented by the five senses in the material world. We have the power of choice to focus also on the higher realms of divine truth, where we are not limited and controlled by material circumstances.
Transformation Into Divine Consciousness
As many sages have pointed out to humanity, our belief systems and the emotions formed by these beliefs are often what take command of the creation of our physical world conditions and situations. Many times we remain stuck in limiting experiences for quite a while until we realize that there is another, higher reality at work in our experience. The trick is to be able to see and validate both views of reality when we bring the knowledge and power of the higher realms into play. This is what often transforms our human experiences on the blueprint of fifth dimensional awareness – where we experience being truly unlimited co-creators with the divine truth of who we are.
Count St. Germain has said that this is the point where we accept, recognize, and integrate with the divine being within us, which is so closely linked with the creative source of All-That-Is. We align ourselves and our consciousness with an unlimited source of creative energy and intelligence which is capable of transforming our lives when we align our awareness to receive the broadcast from this higher realm of energy and information. Then we become unlimited creative beings having a human experience in the material world. It becomes easy to transform the outer world circumstances of our lives which have seemed so intractable and unmovable. They are easily shifted and changed when we begin to broadcast through our consciousness from the higher levels of thought and emotion now aligned with divine truth.
For eons of time, humanity has experienced limitations due to believing the information presented by the many thought forms created during the process of our disconnection from the divine portions of ourselves. These thought forms contain the energies of pain, disease, suffering, and death — which humanity has experienced as a result of our experiments in creating that which was never a part of the original divine plan for Earth. In this way, we created and then experienced our own disconnection from the higher heaven realm energies. All of this was done through our choices and beliefs. Since we have free will, this process of our disconnection from the divine truth of our being and our ability to create on the patterns of perfection was allowed so that humanity could have the experiences created by the choices we have made. The fall of humanity from grace was the result.
For a very long time humanity has labored under the weight of this momentous decision. But now, through divine assistance, grace, and mercy we are gradually returning in consciousness to the place where we can observe and connect with the divine levels of our true being – which include our unlimited abilities to co-create with source energies and intelligence on the patterns of divine perfection. These patterns of perfection include the energies and experiences of unlimited abundance, joy, peace, love and fulfillment in our lives! We are returning to the true knowledge of who we are! We are not limited, helpless beings who are destined to experience pain, suffering, and death on the Earth – but divine beings choosing to have an earthly experience in order to further our knowledge and evolutionary process.
A Message from Count St. Germain and Lady Portia
You are truly on the cusp, each of you, of realizing who you are: an unlimited divine being with all the abilities that you have traditionally ascribed only to God or Divine Source. You are “gods in the making” – in your human consciousness – as you realize your true identity and claim your divine heritage and power. It is a beautiful moment for those of us in the ascended realms to watch the growth of humanity as this process unfolds for all of you on the Earth, and you begin to realize and claim your abilities as divine beings! You are truly unlimited as to what you are able to accomplish on the Earth at this point in time, because you have absorbed enough of this knowledge to begin using it to transform both the circumstances of your individual lives as well as the circumstances of Earth. And thereby you may have the effect of shifting both the patterns and process of her evolutionary path back to the divine plan for the Earth and all her life!
Well done, beloved ones! For you are truly on the path of Light and Victory now! We send our love and blessings to each one of you reading these words, for your assistance and guidance as you traverse the path of knowledge and discover your true divine identity, abilities, and purpose on the Earth!
We await the moment of your full return to the Divine Consciousness of your true origins and being!
Count Saint Germain and Lady Portia
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Channel’s Note:
In order to assist this transformative process for humanity, we have included on our website at www.starbird1.net the page “Creating Sacred Ceremony” where you can, without charge, download and print three documents which give information for opening your sacred space to connect with the higher realms, aligning with the Light of the Divine Source, and invoking the cleansing and healing power of the Violet Transmuting Flame. These are titled as follows: “Creating Your Sacred Space,” “The Light of A Thousand Suns Meditation,” and “The Invocation of the Violet Transmuting Flame.”
Count St. Germain and Lady Portia recommend the daily use of the Violet Transmuting Flame in order to clear ourselves of the interference of lower vibratory energies and maintain our four lower bodies, physical, etheric/spiritual, mental, and emotional, within the higher energetic frequencies.
To download this article as a PDF. CLICK HERE
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