Published in the August 2016 Issue of the SEDONA JOURNAL OF EMERGENCE
Under the Title: “Your Victory in Light Is Imminent”
Lady Portia
Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger for
Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
Copyright 2016
Truth is not “without” — it is within you! The greatest lesson I ever learned in all my spiritual journeys was that truth is within me – and not “without” — or outside of myself. And you may do the same, dearest ones, through learning to trust yourselves and the larger process of aligning with the truth of who you are and all that lies deep within your Divine presence!
It is this realization that your truth lies within you which is the greatest liberation of humanity’s consciousness. No one else can tell you what you know or feel. Your emotions are your own – your thoughts and feelings are your own, and they often act as your “advisers.” They are sacred to you. And you are all destined to learn the truth which lies deep within the seeming simplicity of these words.
Each person has their own identity – written within themselves. It is this process of learning to reach and access it – to fully connect with it and perceive it – that is sometimes a challenging process for human beings. It is part of being human to have your doubts and fears, but you must not allow these things to overtake and overrun your consciousness! They are, in reality, only as shadows in the night – having only the power that you give to them. So have faith and foster trust in yourselves – and, as this process grows, you will find it easier and easier to connect with what is truth within you, for it is by faith that it is done.
Remember to have faith in yourselves! You will accomplish this by knowing who you really ARE! Hence the words of many who are wise: “know thyself.” Ponder and reflect on these things, and I expect the way will soon become clear before you. As long as your heart is aligned with love, this is a great “touchstone” for many – and they find it works well for them. As an adjunct to this, I wish to say that “love of self” is not wrong – though many have been taught to believe it so. It is, instead, a path to strength and clarity for many.
On the Topic of Facing Fear
Lady Portia’s Message
Once you can look into the face
of your worst fears about yourself
and know that they
NOTHING ELSE can ever control you!
Strength is now required in order to respond to the many challenges facing you on the Earth. I often tell people that “only when you can look into the face of your worst fears about yourself and know that they never were true will you know peace and wholeness – and clarity within yourself!” The way to the truth within you lies THROUGH the fear – by overcoming it, not skirting around it – for ultimately, it must be faced to know peace, freedom, and wholeness of spirit.
You are not alone, dearest ones – you are never “alone!” Know this, and realize the immense support coming to you in each moment from all of us in the Ascended Realms of Truth – to show you the way when life becomes difficult and challenges seem to surround you. The way is always clear before you when you firmly align your consciousness with the higher energies of Truth and Light – never allowing the darkness of fear and doubt to gain a foothold in your consciousness! Once allowed within you, they often act as the destroyers of hope, faith, and strength! You are far stronger than you often realize – and the way is always clear before you when you align with the higher energies of Light. Many suffer in darkness at the present time through allowing their consciousness to be overrun with fear and doubt. But I tell you now that these things, too, will you overcome in time, if you persevere in the Light – for Light, when invoked, is always Victorious over the darkness within human consciousness.
This was the valuable lesson which I learned during my passage through many levels of consciousness, and I tell you now that you are all much closer to the final Victory over the ignorance of fear and doubt than you could ever believe! It is through perseverance of the spirit, and having faith, that the final Victory comes to all who seek the “Way of Light!” It is the final journey for many – this passage through fear and doubt – before achieving the final victory and “Liberation of the Spirit” into everlasting life in the Realms of Truth and Light. So continue to persevere, dearest ones, and do not doubt the final victory that is swiftly coming to each of you – the true seekers of Light. Know this: Though you pass through “the valley of the shadow of death” – yet will your faith also be strengthened and renewed in the power and presence of radiant Truth and Light.
The power of your love is far stronger than any fear you may ever know, and you are all learning this valuable lesson through your earthly experiences now – when there are such challenges to your ability to love and keep your faith in the ultimate Victory of Light on the Earth, and also within your own consciousness. So be not dismayed by the many challenges of your earthly experiences, but know that these, too, have a place in the overall scheme of things. They are designed to “test your faith” – to make you ever stronger and more resilient – and ultimately impervious to darkness and fearful imagery and circumstances. I found it necessary to experience these things repeatedly, through many experiences in many realms of consciousness, before I arrived at the doorway of Truth – the truth of my Divine Being – a place far beyond the pale of fear and doubt – and gained my ultimate Freedom.
You are all “travelers on the Path” toward Victory and Freedom! It is important that you each have this perspective now – to carry in your “heart of hearts,” the place of your Divine Source energies, for your sustenance and strength during the current times on the Earth, when you are presented with this “daily diet” of negativity through the constant imagery of terrorism and violence – which is designed to engender fear and doubt. You need this perspective now, more than ever before, to keep you aligned with your true selves and the Light – so that you have the strength to proceed victoriously through these final lessons before your ultimate spiritual freedom.
You are all becoming stronger daily! Repeat this fact to yourselves constantly — and believe it is so — in order to make it true in your experience. Your consciousness is much stronger and more creative than you now realize. We know that many of you are becoming a little tired of this daily diet of fear that you are being “served” by current events – but know that “this, too, shall pass!” It will not linger forever on the Earth. It is a momentary exercise in a certain level of consciousness, and when you have mastered this level, it will disappear and these circumstances will be replaced by those which are more reflective of the higher energies of truth and love – which you all desire to see made manifest on the Earth.
Finding Fortitude and Strength through Alignment with Your Divine Source Energies
It is possible for human beings to find great fortitude and strength through the process of alignment with your Divine Source energies. At the centerpoint of your being exists a veritable “wellspring” of Divine restorative energy which you can access in a moment – once you learn how to connect with this valuable source of renewal. Many of you are so focused on the outer world and the outer aspects of your consciousness that you often forget to take the time necessary for renewal and restoration of your body and consciousness. This is an ancient concept: the time of renewal of yourselves which occurs through taking the necessary time to “disengage” from outer world events and responsibilities. And we would like to see many of you begin to avail yourselves of the benefits which accrue to those who engage in these restorative practices, because this is precisely what is often required for “wholeness” – especially amid the fast-paced world events which you encounter daily. This can be very wearing on body and soul, so a “word to the wise” is in order here, we think: Do not deny yourselves the opportunity for rest and renewal in the process of the fast pace of your daily lives.
Time passes swiftly in the higher energies of truth and love, so make these your “home” during the present circumstances on Earth, and you shall soon see these lower forms replaced with something far closer to what you would like to experience. In the meantime, they are a great teacher of the human traits of fortitude, strength, and perseverance – and this is also what many of you are learning now: how not to be swayed and affected by the fear and violence you see all around you, often manifesting on the Earth. So, you see, this often becomes an exercise in learning to adjust and modify your level of consciousness. Practice these things that we are recommending to you, and you will find the time passing swiftly into the higher realms of peace and prosperity which we know you are all desirous of experiencing.
Putting into Practice What You Know
What is the value of knowledge when it is not used? Very little, we think! Hence we bring it to your attention now to be aware of the great volumes of knowledge within you. Focus on these things, access them, and bring them forward into your conscious minds for use during your daily lives, lest they sit –unaccessed and unused – of little practical value to you.
Also, on this subject, though many of you are aware of the need for hydration for health and wellness, we can see that many of you are forgetting to drink enough water to keep the body properly hydrated for the assimilation and integration of many of these higher frequency energies which are coming onto the Earth now. It would be an excellent idea to keep the body well hydrated, because this will decrease, if not eliminate entirely, many of these “symptoms of the ascension process” which seem to be so prevalent now. By being mindful of the body’s needs and seeing to this daily, it would be possible to alleviate much of the discomfort that we see many of you experiencing.
Growth Comes through the Acceptance of Your Inner Truth
It is necessary for each of you to accept the truth of your own emotions in order to evolve and grow as human beings. It seems so easy for human beings to push aside their innermost thoughts and feelings, and the very personal spiritual truths that these things constantly reveal to your conscious minds. We would recommend that you take the necessary time each day to go within, into the “great silence” of your “heart of hearts” to have your soul presence reveal to you the very personal truth of your own individual thoughts and feelings regarding what is occurring for you in your lives. Therefore, you are perfectly poised to respond to the outer events in your lives from a place of clarity.
Sometimes this process of growth within the human being can be quite painful, and therefore many stop at this doorway of advancement in human consciousness. However, we would tell you that pain is often the knife that cuts open the bubble of your illusions and carries you on the sacred journey within – to find what lies deep within yourselves – to the very core of who you are! It is the rock-strewn pathway where many stumble and fall – before rising once again – to their greatest glory and the pinnacle of their achievement – full consciousness!
Persevere, though you falter! Rise once again though you fall! Continue on the path way upwards toward your freedom, Courageous Ones! The time is short and the way is steep toward your Mastery in the Light! Courage is the watchword for the present time on Earth, and you all have great assistance from the Ascended Realms, so access and make timely use of this. The time to be paralyzed in fear is OVER! Trust yourselves! Trust your knowing! And you will be led to the greatest heights imaginable.
You are ever in the care of those of us in the Ascended Realms – and you are all doing great work for the Earth, through the Light that you hold and the Light that you ARE! Know this, and be at peace, dearest ones – for you are greatly beloved of all of us in the Ascended Realms.
Your Victory in the Light is assured!
Lady Portia
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