Published in the January 2019 Issue of the Sedona Journal of Emergence
Lady Portia and Count St. Germain
With an Introduction and Information from The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger for
Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
Copyright 2018
Lady Portia and Count St. Germain often work very closely with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light while accomplishing their activities designed to benefit planet Earth. Therefore, we have this perspective from the Pleiadians as an Introduction to Lady Portia and Count St. Germain’s message, which is to follow.
You Are the Emissaries of Love!
The Pleiadians
This is a challenging time for the Lightworkers on Earth, with so many loud voices talking! Much of the information is of a very polarized nature with much political dissent and social unrest. Know that we in the ascended realms rely on you – the Lightworkers, to keep your spiritual focus and your personal balance in your thoughts and emotions, so that you can continue your spiritual work – which is designed to bring the highest light, truth, healing, and love to this planet, which so much needs these energies of ministering grace in order to heal the divisions in your populations – which many times seem so polarized and divided by the energies of hatred, as your society works through the many divisions which have been created through racial and political division and negativity.
We in the spiritual realms are relying on you to BE a force for peace, love, and equilibrium in these times of great healing, change, and transformation for your planet! Know that important work is being done through the all-encompassing and nonjudgmental acceptance and love which you bring to bear on all these divisions and polarizations, which many people are now experiencing in your society.
You are the forces of balance and positive change – as your society moves toward acceptance and inclusivity in your population, so that one day people may unite in the energies of LOVE! This is what will heal your planet and move you through this time of division into the great new Golden Age of Peace, Love, and unification!
It will not be easy – we recognize that! And that is why we have sent in our “best and brightest Lights” to stabilize the population through this time of healing for many of the old wounds and remembered pains and traumas. Know that YOU are the “Saviors of Earth!” You are the ones who will stem the tide of hatred and apply the balm of love to many old wounds and divisions in your society to stabilize the current energies of division and hatred, as many people move through the current polarization – when much healing is now occurring.
There is an important prophecy regarding these times of such challenge which you are all experiencing. It states that, “All that is hidden will now be revealed – for healing.” What this means is that all of these long-buried hurts, pains, lies, and deceptions will now come to light so that they will be recognized, healed, and transformed into something which will serve you much better in the new energies of peace which you are now creating.
Stay the course! Do not be distracted by the loud voices of hatred! You are here to hold the energies of love while many work out these old energies of hurt and pain – for YOU are the healers during this process. You are destined to do great things on earth through your patience and perseverance during this difficult period.
We know that you have the strength to persevere through this challenge, and that, ultimately, you WILL be successful! You are the last, best hope for earth! Go forward with courage – knowing that you are constantly surrounded in our love and guidance. You DO know what to do! This is encoded in your very genetics. You are the Emissaries of Love! And we are the Pleiadians.
You Are the Masters of Change
Lady Portia and Count St. Germain
Regarding the Transformative Energies of 2018 to 2038
And the “Triple Eclipse” Sequence
(the three eclipses of July 12th, July 27th, and August 11th, 2018)
Live channeling at an event:
Greetings my dears,
We are very much enjoying being with you this evening, and we want to say that these energies of the “Triple Eclipse” have been very spectacular lately! We are sure that you, and many Lightworkers across the earth, have been making the highest and best use of them. We have so many spiritual beings here with you this evening to continue this work that you are doing with these energies, and to assist many on the earth as they are integrating these energies and using them for the highest and the best, including making changes in the physical body and, indeed, in all the four lower bodies (physical, etheric/spiritual, mental, and emotional).
We are well aware of all of the wishes and requests in regard to this by many on the earth, and I just want to say that you have all been doing a very good job of aligning with the highest and the best of these energies. What I can say to you is simply to continue everything that you have been doing because nothing is lacking in any of your routines or methodology in the way that you are working with these energies. And, indeed, all that is required of humanity is, in wisdom and grace, simply to surrender control somewhat and to allow these changes to be made in the four lower bodies. The Lightworkers in physical embodiment on earth are doing a remarkable job with this, and we are very pleased with the progress that you are all making. I want to tell you that this progress will continue for some time after your astrological information has said that this period of time has ended because these energies will continue for a time on the earth.
So just be prepared for this as well, and know that the work that is going on in your bodies will continue for a time. So don’t think that everything will be ending, necessarily, at the dates that are listed on your calendar, because this will not be accurate as far as the further work that will be done, and that we are able to do with you, using these energies, because I will tell you that these energies have made some remarkable changes already in the finer essences of your four lower bodies. And this is where all work begins, it is in the finer essence of the energies, because that is what your bodies can most easily partake of, in order to begin integration of this level of the energies. And then, perhaps at a later date, you will all take on other energies from this spectrum. But for right now, that is sufficient for what we wish to see people accomplish as you are taking in and receiving these energies.
There will be a few surprises along the way for many people, because these energies are making significant changes – not only in your bodies, but also in other things within your environment. There are many changes going on in the entire spectrum of physicality upon earth. That is a good way to say this, because soon you will be saying, “My goodness, is nothing left untouched by this energy!” Indeed, that is what is happening. It is revamping the spectrum of energy as it appears in material form upon the earth! And, this is quite extensive!
Many people have not realized the full extent of what is possible in the way of change as these energies are downloaded. The earth and all her life are absorbing more and more of this energy. The changes that we are noticing for all life forms on earth are becoming quite extensive, and this extends through the animal and plant kingdoms as well as the changes which you are so well acquainted with that are happening within the physicality, as well as, of course, the finer bodies in regard to human beings.
Some people are going to be taken by surprise by the extensive nature of this process and how pervasive these energies have become in revamping your entire world, as it is manifesting now in form. And this is what is needed at this point on earth, I will say quite directly, because, as you are all so aware, many changes need to be constantly made on earth in order for her to “move into her full potential,” shall we say. The changes that have been made on earth during the extremely intense period of these eclipses, and the energies which they bring, are accomplishing this purpose very well, indeed!
This process has made changes in the earth which we did not think would be possible to happen for another fifty years in your timeframe, and so this is exceptional news for us to be able to deliver to those of you on earth! And I’m sure this is very good news to all of you, that you are making such progress! And there will be this continued progress, I am sure. I can promise you that this exceptional level of what is being done now is going to continue at the rate of increase in these energies which you are experiencing and enjoying at the present time.
Everything Is Changing!
I can tell you that within the next approximately twenty-year period, if you think these changes have been exceptional and these energies have been unusual, then brace yourselves — because this is only the beginning of, I would say, roughly a twenty-year period of this upshift in energies of the earth in very dramatic fashion. And I’m sorry to have to say this so abruptly, but humanity will just have to adapt to this, there is no other alternative!
Yes, you will all have to get used to this rate of change, because you see, this is only the beginning stage of this dramatic upshift in the intensity of these energies. This is occurring due to the fact that, as I’m sure all of you are aware, one thing does build on another, and especially when we are quantifying energy in this way and describing it, these upshifts are of a geometric nature, as your mathematicians would say. It is not an arithmetic progression, because you are dealing with crystalline energies, and the special properties which they bring.
It has moved into what is called a geometric progression, which means that the increase in intensity, to put this in very simple terms, can be very dramatic. And so, yes, if you feel that you need rest or your body needs more sleep, or perhaps you need to change your diet in some way to accommodate these rarefied energies which are now, of course, coming into the body, then by all means make whatever adaptations and changes you feel that you need to make in order to keep your body balanced and “in sync” with the dynamics that are, of course, going on within your nervous system, and all the systems of the body. This is necessary because these sharp increases in the energy do tend sometimes to throw the various systems of the body out of alignment, and the best remedy for this, as I believe many people have discovered, is often to allow the body to sleep, because this does give the body a chance to reset these finer brain functions which are the controlling factors for many of these endocrine functions and all such related issues going on within the body.
There will be many adaptations which will be necessary, and human beings will be having to make many of these types of adaptations during this period of many years when you will be constantly experiencing things of the magnitude which you have experienced for the first time during this “triple eclipse” anomaly which has come upon the earth. But this is merely the first of many of these occurrences which are going to be taking many people quite by surprise, I’m afraid, because many people will not know what to make of this! They will be taken aback! They are not used to this level of rapid change. Their bodies are not used to it; they are not prepared for this. And so, you will be seeing a lot of people having a lot of difficulty keeping pace with what is happening “within and without.” Within the physical vehicle, and “without,” in the outer world, because this is going to cause so many abrupt changes and reorganizations in all of the circumstances in your outer world scenarios that many people will be quite taken aback by this as well – at the sheer rate of change, as this increases, in what is often called a geometric progression.
And so, I will tell you, you are in for a wild ride on earth here in the coming decades, and there will have to be intense shifts and adaptations made by the human beings that continue to live on earth and to progress with her as she evolves into what are, as you know, higher and higher levels of herself – even as you evolve into higher and higher levels of your being, your psyche, your physical body. You see, everything is changing! Every level of yourselves is updating constantly, and with every heartbeat you are significantly different from the “you” that existed even a few seconds before! And this is what many people do not recognize and will not be able to process or understand, so this is going to cause a lot of difficulty for many people, I’m afraid, and we don’t enjoy seeing this type of thing happening, where things are thrown into such a state of disarray for many people. But, that is why I am giving this warning now, so that those of you who hear this message will be able to adapt – and because you have learned this information, you will not be so taken by surprise as many who did not hear it, you see.
You can prepare yourselves! You can brace yourselves for what you know is coming, because that is the “way of wisdom,” is it not? When you know what is going to happen, you can make your plans for how you will deal with it, and that is the way human beings like to work. You like to know what is coming so that you can plan for it and organize for it, and then you carry out your plans at the necessary time – and all goes well! And I’m sure that those of you who do receive this message will be much better prepared than those who did not have any forewarning of the intense shift that is coming for humanity – or any way of preparing for this, you see.
Adjust Accordingly
I feel that it is only fair to give some warning about things like that, because human beings, I have found, are much more adaptable and willing to change, willing to adapt, when they have some foreknowledge about the possibilities of what is coming. Maybe they do not know exactly what is going to occur, but they do have this level of understanding about the rate of change that is going to occur. And that is truly the main thing that you need to know in all of this – because human beings are amazingly adaptable when they have prepared themselves sufficiently for intense periods of shifts and change, whether this be on the earth, as a whole, or in some level of the human form, or in the entirety of the human form, you see.
It does not matter how you look at this, just so long as you recognize that you are entering an extensive and all-inclusive period of change which will leave no part unchanged – that is a good way to put it! Nothing will be the same as it was when this process is finished, I can promise you that! And, for many, this is extremely good news, because many of you are very tired and worn out with the status quo of the dull routine of things being so predictable and repetitive in this dysfunction upon earth! And so, I can tell you that any rate of change is going to happen, and most of you would welcome this very much, and it would have “rave reviews” in the press, because many people, honestly, are very sick and tired of the “same old, same old” – and the same repetition of dysfunction in your society and dysfunctional behavior on the part of many people.
And so, I do feel that any change is welcome, at this point! And that is very good news for us, as well, because we have been supporting you the best we can for a very long time in this process, and we have seen the suffering that has come about with humanity – as a result of all of this negativity and dysfunctional behavior on the earth. And so, we are equally as happy as you are to say, and to be able to promise you, that all of this is now entering a state of change where, in a relatively short time, things will be unrecognizable as to where they are now, and where they are moving toward being. And so, I hope that this is good news for people, and I hope that this information is received in the spirit in which it is intended – which is to say, we believe that we are delivering some very positive and beneficial news for humanity in these “forecasts” of what is coming – in the coming years, the coming decades, and all of this, and that this has smoothed the way somewhat before all of you, so that you will not be jolted into these new beginnings – but you will have the way smoothed before you, so that you know some of what you can expect in the coming decades.
This is going to be a wild ride for some people, I can tell you, because they have not been forewarned and they do not know that this is coming. And some people are very attached to the past and focused on keeping things as they were in the past. But I can tell you that this strategy is doomed to failure at the very beginning of the process, because the rate of change will be so fast that it will not take very long for people to understand that this approach and this strategy will not be sufficient to deal with the “new world reality” that they are constantly being faced with – day after day after day – as you move towards the new millennium, the new human form, all of the changes that are coming in your society and its norms, including new belief systems.
The rate of change is going to be quite extensive, and it is going to keep many people on their toes in order to keep up with this. Very few people will have the “normal wherewithal” to be able to ride through this “on an even keel,” so to speak. It is going to be extremely upsetting for many people, if not most people. But then, you see, you will have your leaders that will come forth and show others the way in adaptive strategies and techniques for evolving and gracefully adapting to change.
And so, there is going to be a lot of “new thought” coming forth from a lot of different, and some unexpected, places where you will have the necessary assistance to be able to adapt and evolve gracefully and, hopefully, with equanimity – and that you will become “the Masters of Change,” instead of the victims of change, because human beings are remarkably adaptable, when given the chance and the proper opportunity! Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be your opportunity to become “The Masters of Change” for your generation as well as the coming generations who will be following behind you through this extraordinary process of evolution and exceptional change which is now unfolding for its manifestation upon earth!
You have our best wishes with this – and our promise to walk beside you through this process and to smooth the way where we are able to do so – to smooth the way before your feet, and to present a wide and well-traveled road and path for you to be able to navigate all the changes that are coming — which are leading you to this expansive vista of the “New World” which is even now beginning to unfold before your eyes.
That is our message to you this evening. It has been our joy to be with you once again and to spend these few moments in your time, with you in physical reality. We are Lady Portia and Count St. Germain who are bringing you this message, with much love and encouragement to all of you on earth at the present time.
Good evening, dearest ones, and namaste
You’re Creating Your Future with Every Decision
The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light
People often wonder what happens to all the negative, low-vibrational energy which is created due to the efforts of these manipulative beings which the Pleiadians often refer to as the “puppet masters.” Why do they care about creating and perpetuating this type of energy on earth? What are they getting out of all of this?
The simple answer is that there are off-planet intelligences which use this low-vibrational energy as their sustenance. To them, it is “food,” and so they wish to continue with this process. However, the good news coming from the Pleiadians is that this entire scenario is in the process of being thoroughly and permanently disrupted, as human beings evolve into higher-vibrational versions of ourselves – where we do not respond with fear to these negative creations and attempts at manipulation of consciousness. In the future times which the Pleiadians describe to us, this process will have completely ended, and will no longer be able to affect the earth or any of her lifeforms.
In the meantime, the Pleiadians tell us to neither hate nor fear these misguided beings, but to recognize them as being created by the divine Creator of All Things. They are a part of creation – just as we are – even though, to our eyes, they have lost their way. The surest antidote to their efforts to instill fear is the energy of love! Perhaps this is why we have often been counselled by the wisest among us to love our enemies!
Humanity’s Destiny
Beware the attempts by those who would control human consciousness on earth – for this is going on today throughout your political, economic, social, and mass media systems – to name only a few manifestations of this phenomenon. Fear, hatred, suspicion, and aggression are all being wittingly created and foisted upon human beings for the purpose of having you forget or ignore who you are and what is inside you – your divine Creator presence! If those in positions of power can keep all of you focused on the outer dramas they are creating – instead of having you realize that you are, indeed, a part of the Creator presence in human form – then they will have succeeded in carrying out their hidden agendas.
Who are these “puppet masters” from the other realms who wish to control earth and all her consciousness? They are “the dark ones” – the manipulators who have interfered with earth’s evolutionary process since the beginning of time on your planet. And they fight for control – because you are evolving, dear ones, and getting VERY close to realizing who you are, and where, indeed, you came from! And when this happens, their control will be finished.
The dark ones love a good story, and they create many of the these in order to get your attention and divert you into meaningless confrontations – both politically and otherwise. How do they do this? By getting your attention! Human beings, by your very nature, are drawn to the dramatic – and the more emotional this is, the better you like it. Have you ever noticed this about yourselves? Well, we have, and we are not the only ones, unfortunately, who have this bit of information about you. Those who would manipulate and limit your consciousness for their own selfish ends, know this – and use it to manipulate consciousness both here and in other star systems.
Now this is not a serious situation – at least not in the present – because you are very quickly succeeding in raising your consciousness OUT of the levels where they can control you! It is called growth! It is called evolution! Despite everything they can do, you are evolving, you are becoming smarter, and you are starting to catch on to their tricks! And guess what – they are getting desperate, because you are no longer so easy to manipulate! When they try to pull the wool over your eyes, you simply look the other way. And so, they are “scraping the bottom of the barrel,” so to speak – looking for things that will “work.” But, in the meantime, you are still evolving – and you are doing it very quickly now! What used to take very long periods of time, now takes you only days or weeks to accomplish.
“Why is this happening?” you might ask. Well, many people are asking this question now, because they have become aware of what is going on, and they are witnessing the phenomena that are happening. Well, we will give you some very good news! You are finally becoming truly multidimensional beings in your day-to-day consciousness! You don’t have to go into deep states of meditation to reach these levels of what used to be called “altered states of consciousness” – because you ARE in altered states of consciousness all the time! It is a permanent shift – and it’s not going away!
This level of consciousness, where you are aware of other dimensional realities, has become your “normal reality” – for many of you – and you are the leaders in this process. You are the “forerunners” for the rest of humanity, as all of you are “moving into the unknown,” so to speak. You are the ones who will experience this, and be able to describe this state of consciousness to others, who may not yet have had these experiences. And, when they hear this information, maybe the doors will be opened in their minds, as well!
So, this is your “job” now – this is what you are being called to do – because someone always has to be “first” in this type of thing. Someone has to volunteer to lead! So don’t be shy! When you have these experiences of “seeing beyond the veil,” or remembering your experiences in other lifetimes – TELL SOMEONE, for goodness sake! It will help others to hear this, and to know that they are not “weird” or “crazy” when they begin to have these new and unusual levels of consciousness and experience.
It is actually a very helpful occurrence for human beings – when this begins to happen – because you open up levels of your own abilities that perhaps you did not realize that you have. It’s like opening a door and discovering many other “rooms” in your “house of consciousness.” And there are many abilities that come with these advanced levels of consciousness. You will discover that you can do things which you could not previously do! You will know things that you never knew before. It’s very exciting! And it’s a very enjoyable time for humanity.
Ascending to the Top of the Mountain!
Think of it in this way: It’s like walking up a trail on the mountainside, and finally you get to the top! And what you see is not just more of the mountainside in front of you. When you get to the top, your view changes completely! You begin to see an endless and beautiful expanse of clouds and sky – a magnificent vista! You can see into infinity and perceive the enormity of what has opened up before your eyes! Distant views, distant horizons – it is limitless! It is beautiful! And it is YOURS to explore!
It is knowledge that is opening before you – to explore – to know. And you can use it to expand your horizons, and to expand what you believe you can do and accomplish in your lifetime! All limits are being dissolved, and your consciousness is now free to expand into hitherto unknown realms of exploration and ecstasy.
This is exciting, isn’t it? Well, this is what is happening for all of you who are on this path – of expanding into multidimensional consciousness. It will be different from anything you have known before! And this is happening for many people who are alive on the earth now. Your consciousness is expanding, your genetic codings are mutating, and your bodies are evolving!
Ascension’s Effect on the Four Lower Bodies
You are, without fully realizing it, becoming far less “dense” in your physical body than you were in third dimensional reality. As you move up the scale toward fifth dimensional reality, the atomic structure of your body is changing as your energetic frequencies rise. You are becoming more “etheric” every day, and less dense, so that you can hold these finer and finer energies, of which you are now comprised. And your chemistry reflects these changes in other ways as well, to allow you to hold more of the finer etheric elements and essences of physical matter.
All of these important changes in the physical “you” are reflected as the appropriate changes in the finer energies of your etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, as well. All four of what are referred to as your “lower bodies,” which are the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, are becoming comprised of finer and finer energies which are capable of holding higher vibrational energy. And you are transforming very quickly, indeed! You are on track to reach several important “major milestones” on your spiritual trek toward the huge expansion which will take place in 2038.
Images of Future Time
No one has yet fully realized what this means! The world you will see in 2038 will be NOTHING like the world you have now – which is struggling with some very fundamental questions about who you are and what you want to create with the abilities you have. You are in for a “mass awakening” in the coming years which will leave many people astounded and wondering what happened, why this happened, and, most importantly, HOW this happened!
In future time, the earth will change, as well, to reflect your new consciousness! There will be new climates in many places on earth – and places which were uninhabitable in years past will have temperate climates able to support life. Oceans will no longer be exactly where they are now. But these types of changes are “normal” for earth – at least, from our perspective, they are. We have seen many things like this occur over vast expanses of time, because we have been observing earth for a VERY long time – as you might have guessed.
Some of you will live to see the beginnings of many of these things. The rest of you will have to make “the return trip” (reincarnate) to continue your observation of all these exciting developments. This process will continue into a future which would read like science fiction to the humans who now inhabit earth. It is an exciting future, indeed – and one which will expand into limitless probabilities – even as you do the same!
We tell you of the “future times” – but this is what you are even now “writing,” with every decision you make. Decide wisely, dear ones – for your future is in your hands!
We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, and you are beloved\
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