Published in the September 2019 Issue of the Sedona Journal of Emergence
Lady Portia and Count St. Germain
Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger for
Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
“People aren’t going to like what’s getting ready to happen –
but it’s entirely necessary for the survival of the planet . . .”
Count St. Germain
Introduction by Star:
This year has been amazingly intense – with many unexpected, and seemingly disruptive events. These have been occurring constantly, often having the effect of challenging our fortitude and resolve. Many people are wondering “What on earth is going on? Did I do something wrong to cause all of this to happen in my life?”
The beings of light in the ascended realms tell us that nothing could be further from the truth! They assure us that this “time of disruption and change” has been carefully designed and implemented for a higher purpose: to actually benefit earth, and all of us, by disrupting old, limiting patterns of human thought and behavior, as well as the resulting creations in the outer world of form. The divine purpose of this activity is designed specifically to stimulate the realization of the possibility of creating many new things in our human experience, which will then be vibrating at a much higher level of energetic frequency than in the past – and supporting the creation of a new paradigm on earth.
These energies are specifically designed to stimulate the “creation of the NEW” in all areas of our lives, and to encourage us to begin to focus on viable alternatives to the old, limiting modalities we have known. As individuals, we may now consciously embrace the NEW paradigms which are rapidly appearing on the horizon of human thought, based upon truth and freedom. Then we can begin to realize our highest potentials.
The Message from Lady Portia and Count St. Germain:
Dearest Ones,
Many of you wonder what on earth is going on! We in the ascended realms bring you this message to allay your fears, quiet your minds, and bring Truth to this situation.
Would you really want to see the many limitations and extreme negativity of the current “status quo” continue into infinity? Know that these disruptive, yet transformative, energies which you are currently experiencing are designed, even as uncomfortable as they may be for many of you, to usher in the new personal and societal paradigms which are based on many higher frequencies of energy and opportunity. This is NOT haphazard, though it may appear to be so! It has been carefully designed by those in the ascended realms in order to begin the creation of many new, higher-frequency thoughts and paradigms – and to encourage the entrance of the effects which these engender into your “world of form.” This time of uncertainty and confusion will not last forever! After the necessary changes have been achieved, you will see things began to stabilize once again.
Many people are fighting these transformative energies – or becoming very fearful of where, indeed, this process is leading. Know that it is leading to freedom! Freedom from old, encrusted energies and entrenched belief systems, which you have endured for a very long time. And sometimes this type of thing, which is occurring now, is exactly what is required to change your minds, the structure of your reality, and, therefore, to cause a shift in your behavioral patterns.
We have observed that people sometimes act by “rote” or habit – and do not take the necessary time required to evaluate the results which their beliefs and actions are producing in the outer world. Through this process of “designed disruption of the familiar,” you are being encouraged to notice and evaluate many things that you have long taken for granted, so that you can consider alternatives to familiar behavior, particularly when this behavior is non-productive of what you might prefer to experience. We can already see results from this process, as many people are saying “anything is better than what we have now!” And they are becoming more willing to change.
A New Paradigm Is Being Created
Know that we do not cooperate in the creation of this process in order to be cruel or insensitive to the needs or feelings of human beings. However, please remember that you DID volunteer for this experience, which is a “trip through earthly reality!” Many higher-vibrational energies are constantly being brought to bear on the current situation in order to affect and transform the earth and YOU, by modifying your current experience.
Be patient, dearest ones, and bear with fortitude all that is occurring during this time of disruption – for you will soon see that many beneficial events and circumstances are being created by what you have perhaps considered to be so “negative.” And soon you will see that everything comes back into balance in a different paradigm than you have ever known before, and at a much higher level of your evolutionary progress. As has often been said, “the dark night of the soul does not last forever, and joy comes in the morning,” to paraphrase a popular verse to this effect.
Stay the course! And we would hope to see each of you use this time as it was intended: to cause you to have careful evaluation of all things within your life, such as your choices, your thoughts, emotions, and actions –as well as the circumstances which you are either consciously or unconsciously allowing and/or creating in your lives!
Know that this is becoming a time of dramatic and beneficial change for many people – even if you do sometimes have difficulty in accurately seeing the positive results being created through this experience of such major upheaval and disruption of all that is planned and familiar. We do not like to see the suffering that many are enduring during this process; therefore, we have chosen to bring you this important message to urge and promote an “attitude adjustment” for many of you during this important opportunity – lest the values of this time pass you by!
As you embrace the “openings” and opportunities that have been created by all these changes, we hope that you will evaluate all your choices, thoughts, actions, and creations. Perhaps you will see the many new avenues that are opening for you – which allow you to take stock of your lives – and choose to create many new circumstances for yourselves which contain more freedom, as well as far greater rewards for your efforts.
Many of you seem to have been “stuck in a rut,” so to speak: “doing the same old thing” but wishing for different results! Well, now is the time to seize the moment and jump into a new paradigm of reality, where you actually create what you have been wanting! We see many people operating out of entrenched habits, instead of exercising your freedom of thought and creativity. Remember, you have the right to change your mind! Nothing has to stay the same as it was, if that “old way” has been constrictive and confining – essentially stifling your creativity.
We would suggest that each of you “take a step back” from your life, and see it with new eyes! Perhaps you don’t really like what you have been doing – or perhaps you feel unfulfilled by the circumstances of your life. Take a break from routine! Get away from it all – at least mentally, even if you can’t leave it all behind for a while physically. Sometimes, perhaps you need distance from all that has been restrictive or controlling, so that you can see what it is you truly want to do.
Have faith in yourself! You would not be able to see the new possibilities “over the horizon,” so to speak, if you did not possess all the abilities necessary to create them, or “make change happen.” We tell you this because we see the immense creativity and potential within all of you – who sometimes hold yourselves back in the comfortable, but restrictive, worlds which you have created for yourselves.
The time for change is here! And we know you can feel it! Believe in yourselves and affirm that there is more to you than, perhaps, you have ever known or experienced. The time to “try your wings and fly” is NOW, dearest ones. Do not remain a prisoner of your fears. What could be worse than “enduring existence in a prison of fear?” Know that “failure” is but a momentary and transitory event. On the other hand, your potential, in its unfolding, is an eternal process.
Do not allow yourselves to be controlled by these doubts and fears — which are based on inaccurate information about your identity and capabilities. If necessary, list all the reasons why you believe you cannot, or are not able, to do and create what you want. Then blaze all of this into the Violet Transmuting Flame! Decide to change! Nothing makes these old, inaccurate
beliefs, and the fears they engender, disappear quicker than the focused light of your present-day consciousness.
Baseless Fears and Self-Sabotage Programs
Do any of the following thoughts sound familiar? If so, become aware of these self-defeating beliefs and programs which you are currently allowing to operate within your consciousness. One cannot change that which they do not first acknowledge, and then decide to change:
An example of baseless fears and self-sabotage programming: “Everything I do turns out to be wrong. I’m not able (for some unknown/unknowable reason) to do what I want. I don’t feel strong and capable. There is so much I don’t know. I do stupid things and make mistakes before I realize it. I think I’m doing the right thing and it turns out to be a big mistake, and I have done this a lot. I don’t have a high opinion of myself because I make so many mistakes. I make a lot of mistakes, so I’m afraid to do anything. Nothing is safe. I don’t trust myself, my feelings, or my guidance. I can’t tell what my guidance is saying. My life is a series of disasters. It seems like I constantly do things based on misinformation. I feel like I constantly experience being manipulated by people to do what they want. I’m afraid to do what I want. I could make a long list of all I’ve done wrong, and it makes me afraid to do anything else.”
Choose to Be Centered and Strong
If any of this material sounds familiar, perhaps you have these old, limiting thoughts re-playing over and over in your mind and affecting your emotions. Know that you have many choices in your life, but what you often may not recognize and use, is the power of choice. Know that you have free will to control the focus of your mind and your thoughts, and you can choose to focus upon the thoughts which empower you – instead of letting your mind wander into old patterns of pain, fear, and the consequent disempowerment which you may then experience.
Do not energize these things any further, since they have only the power in your consciousness that you give to them. If you find yourself thinking any of these thoughts, simply change your mind! And be steady and persistent in this process! It does take practice, but eventually you will arrive at the goal of experiencing centered strength and freedom.
Choose, dearest ones, what you will believe about yourselves! Choose the higher truth about your being, by invoking and realizing, constantly, your connection to your highest spiritual being – your unlimited divine self – which is the part of yourself which knows exactly what to do in every situation and every moment of your lives. You are, indeed, divine beings, with a strong connection to your highest spiritual knowledge and abilities. Claim this truth for yourselves, and actualize it!
You DO know what to do in order to take command of your lives from a place of power, love, wisdom, and grace. Then nothing can stop you from realizing your dreams of creating and experiencing exactly what you want your lives to be. You are not “helpless pawns in the game of life.” If you let fear disempower you, you give your power away to doubt and fear – the “great destroyers” of human potential. Know this: doubt and fear have only the power which you give to them. Change your minds, and you change your lives!
We say this to you in order to fully empower each of you at this important moment in your evolutionary process on earth, because we want to see all of you experiencing freedom – which is, as you know so well, your birthright on earth! As we see the great suffering of humanity, we bring you these words of guidance:
See the Divine Truth of Who You Are
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Postscript by Star:
We, as human beings, often become very comfortable in our worlds of restrictive and constricting patterns of thought and emotion, such as “I couldn’t possibly do that. It is impossible for me,” even if everything within us is crying out for a new start – a new beginning! This moment IS your new beginning – if you realize it – and ACT on this knowledge.
Many of us fall victim to baseless fears and limiting beliefs about ourselves which are founded upon inaccuracies in our beliefs about who we are and the nature of our true capabilities. Yes, perhaps we have seemed to “fail” many times in our lives when we were not able to achieve a certain goal at one given moment, but this does not mean we are failures, stupid, or too helpless to create what we want!
“Do not allow these old, limiting beliefs to go unchallenged,” is the wisdom and guidance from Lady Portia and Count St. Germain, who have had much more experience in dealing with these old energies than, perhaps, we have. “Challenge your thought processes, and do not allow yourselves to be mindless victims of these inaccuracies,” they say.
These beautiful beings of the ascended realms are great spiritual teachers for humanity. They are here to guide us to the realization and experience of these “higher, more evolved versions” of who we truly ARE. It is by our choice that we open to receive this guidance and encouragement from these spiritually advanced beings who make it their purpose to constantly encourage humanity in what they describe as “the pursuit of our own divine perfection.”
Fortunately, we don’t have to completely conquer all of these old doubts and fears immediately, but it is important that we all begin the process of challenging these limiting beliefs immediately when they arise in our consciousness, because, as the beings of light tell us, this simple act begins the important momentum of change. They urge us to make the decision not to allow our mental and emotional energies of creation to be siphoned off toward supporting baseless and inaccurate fears about who we are, or doubts regarding the levels of our human and divine capabilities.
Intuitive Guidance & Unlimited Knowledge
You are more powerful than you know when you claim the divine truth of your being. We are all unlimited beings of great power and grace when we align with our divine origins, the truth of who we are, and the levels of our spiritual support and guidance. The beings of light tell us that often we do not realize the creative power that is available to us when we align with our Divine Source energies to receive the support of intuitive guidance and unlimited knowledge.
There is no “magic” involved in accessing the energies and information contained within the levels of our own divine, spiritual being. Count St. Germain has taught many students to do “exactly this,” as he says. He recommends that we focus on our divine selves with “a powerful focus, combined of the energies of your heart, mind, and spirit.”
The Unity of Consciousness
We human beings are not separate from the earth, or each other, as we sometimes might think of ourselves. We are, indeed, all unified in one great sphere of consciousness, with Mother Earth. Therefore, all of these new energies, as disruptive to the status quo as they may be, are affecting all of us and all of the earth in a unity of consciousness and oneness. We traverse these energies, as challenging as they may be, fully aligned with the wisdom, beauty, and strength of Mother Earth and all her life – including all humanity. What affects one, affects all!
And So It Is
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