“The Opportunities Which This Presents to You”
Teleseminar Event 76
Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
Star Hinman, Channel. The Clearinghouse.
Copyright 2012
You are now learning how to work with all of these new energies, and the information which is contained in the three meditation documents (Creating Your Sacred Space, The Light of A Thousand Suns Meditation, and The Invocation of the Violet Transmuting Flame). This is what is bringing all of you into these higher energies! It is learning how to work with all of this, learning how to be the conscious ones who are invoking the presence, not only of us, but of these beautiful Cosmic Beings who have begun recently to join your group – because you have invoked their presence! And don’t believe, as so many people do “Oh, I’m just a human being,” as though that is some lowly state, because when you speak, the very Gods in Heaven listen, and we want you to know this. It is so important that you “get” this message within your hearts, to know that you are not forgotten here on this planet – which, at many times in her history, has seemed so cut off from Light.
You are coming out of that stage — and this is the moment when we would like for everyone on Earth to realize that all you have to do is ask — and the very Gates of Heaven are opened before you, and then all that is necessary is to simply walk through that doorway into the Heaven realms. The partitions which were blocking your advancement into certain higher levels of the fifth dimension, even these are being removed now, so that when you lift up into fifth dimensional frequencies, you can soar even higher than what you have ever experienced before.
And this is why we have given you these documents (Creating Your Sacred Space, The Light of A Thousand Suns Meditation, and the Invocation of the Violet Transmuting Flame) to open the Sacred Space – to invoke these Cosmic Beings from Suns beyond Suns, all of these Beings, from the Great, Great Central Sun, from the Great Central Sun! Know that none of this is beyond your reach, and we really don’t know why you underestimate your abilities in regard to this — because you are Cosmic Beings as well. This is simply “on other levels of who you are.”
Yes, you have a physical body on the Earth! But don’t allow this to define who you are, and make you believe that “I can only just go this high and no higher,” or “I am limited to the Earth realms because I am a human being on the Earth.” No, we wish to show you the perspective that, when you make the call, in Light, to Alpha and Omega, the Beings which stand within the Central Sun of your galaxy, even Alpha and Omega respond to this sincere heart call.
When you make these calls, in Light, for assistance to these Higher Ones, make sure that you call from your Heart Center, which contains the beautiful Threefold Flame of your own Divinity, because this is where your power lies to connect with ANY realm, any person, any Cosmic Being! There is no difference – this applies in all cases. When you are working within the energies of the Heart Center, realize that you are immediately in fifth dimensional frequencies, and above. You are in the quantum state where, when you reach out using this technology, using the Threefold Flame, this Sacred Fire, the spark of your own Divinity which is within your Heart Center – this is like your “telephone” to anyone and any being in the universe, in the cosmos.
This is the meaning of the fact that there is “no limitation of space and time” when you are using these higher dimensional frequencies. This is such an important point for you all to realize when you are doing your meditations, when you are using the documents that we have given you for invoking the Light of Suns beyond Suns, and invoking the Sacred Fire, the Violet Transmuting Flame. We do not want you to be limited any longer by these mental beliefs that you have collected as human beings that, “I’m just here on Earth, I’m just a human being and I couldn’t possibly connect with the Beings who stand within Suns beyond Suns and in other galaxies and universes.”
The door is opened to you now to go wherever you will in your sacred consciousness, propelled through the sacred energy of your Divine State – which is within your Heart Center. And this is what all of the sages, all of the holy people and the avatars have known. They have known how to access this state of the ‘inner man/woman’– they knew how to access this energy, the inner presence that lies beyond your definition of yourself as just being a mortal human being in a physical body. And this image of who you are as being only the body, only this consciousness – this is one of the main things that is standing between people now and the recognition of all that lies beyond this.
We want you to soar and be free in your consciousness – to connect with us and be taught, and to learn – because we have so much to teach you NOW at this point in the human history upon Earth. This is your turning point right now upon Earth — as you are approaching this sacred time, this sacred moment of the Winter Solstice, when so much is going to shift for humanity, for the Earth. We are beginning in earnest to prepare you for this moment, and this is why we have given you these tools — not only the documents for use in your meditations and doing these Sacred Ceremonies — but also the many perspectives that are given in the website documents (the two pages: Creating Sacred Ceremony and Heaven & Earth).
We are suggesting that you all go to these pages and read this and really take this to heart – and the most important thing is to USE IT! And one very valuable bit of information that we wish to bring forward to everyone’s conscious mind this evening is the importance of taking a moment every morning to sit down, open the Sacred Space, do The Light of A Thousand Suns Meditation, and to do The Invocation of the Violet Transmuting Flame — because when you are working with the Light in this way, it is not enough to do this on a random basis — because this Ray of Light, this Sacred Fire that is invoked in the use of these documents, for maximum effect, needs to be invoked every day into this force field, into your home, wherever you are doing this. Because this builds the energy day after day, when you do your spiritual work on a conscientious basis like this, and really stay with it, and not allow yourselves to be distracted by outer world activities. We know this is really a challenge for you, and we realize how difficult this is for you right now – because there IS so much going on in the outer world!
But THIS is why it is so important for you to hold your spiritual center right at this moment on the Earth – because there is so much debris “flying through the air” in the astral realm! And this is actually part of the cleansing and clearing that is happening for Earth. So do not think of this as a “bad” thing, because it is a necessary stage in lifting all of this into the Light. But realize that there is so much debris flying around now that you can be active instruments of the Divine, because someone has to invoke this Sacred Light into the Earth now. If we could just anchor it anywhere we want, we would be very happy – but it doesn’t work that way! We have to wait for you to invite us – because that is the rule — that is the Law (the Law of Free Will).
We can’t just go wherever we want and anchor this Light – no matter that it would be of tremendous benefit for humanity, as you so well know. So, you see that when you take a moment in the morning and open the Sacred Space, and invite us to anchor this Light, you are not only receiving tremendous benefit yourself, but you are giving us an opportunity to create this huge shaft of Light – from the Heart of Creator into the center of the Earth! And that is a huge transmission of Light, data, updates, and activations to the crystal grid system. You just have no idea of the immensity of what we are able to do with this open force field of Light when you have simply asked that it be created.
And so we are expanding your view of what actually happens when you take a few minutes and invite us to do this – because that is the rule, that is the law, as you so well know – that the call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed. We cannot just wave a magic wand and make everything okay on the Earth — or else the Earth would not be in the situation that she is experiencing right now!
We want you to realize that this is why it is so important for you to take a few minutes in the morning and do this every day, because when you invoke this Ray of Light from the Divine, this Ray does come down, and it needs to be invoked by the Threefold Flame in your heart. So when you are invoking this Light, be sure to open your Heart Center and connect deeply within yourself — to the Threefold Flame, the spark of Divinity — and you will feel this. It feels like a warm glow within your Heart Center – and you can visualize it there, as well, a flame of three parts, the pink Ray of the feminine nature of Creator, the blue Ray of the masculine polarity, and the gold Ray of wisdom. And it is as though “fire draws fire” – because that spark of Divinity within you is what gives you the ability to command that things be done.
And when you step within this Sacred Space within you, and you ask that these things be done – that the Light of Suns beyond Suns be anchored, as drawn through your Heart Flame into the Earth – it is done in exactly that way! You are Co-Creators with the Divine, because that is your spark of Divinity, where you are able to reach out and touch the Divinity within other realms. Realize what happens when you ASK from that point, from that sacred point within you. You can have anything in the universe when you are asking from that point, because that point within you will only ask for what is for the highest and greatest good of all – so the entire world, the entire universe is opened to you when you step within this point of knowledge and this point of power within you.
When this Ray comes down and connects with the Earth, because you have called it forth, at the point where connects with the Earth it turns into a flame — it turns into Sacred Fire– and it does burn for a period of time, depending on the magnitude of the Ray. This might be twenty four hours or perhaps longer than that. But it does burn itself out, and that is the reason that it needs to be invoked every day, for maximum effect, because, we wish that it were permanent, but at this point in your evolutionary process it does need to be invoked every day.
And so, please realize that when you do take a moment and open the Sacred Space, this also creates an “energy feed” from the higher dimensions into your home, into the space where you are living, where we can do much energy work to clear the energies of your home and to give you much guidance, and to work with you in many, many ways. So when you do take a moment in the morning to open the Sacred Space, and we know that this does take some time, and you are all in such a hurry now, but just realize that if you take a moment to do this in the morning, your entire day may be different because of the assistance of the Beings of Light! When we are invited, we can set up the circumstances of your life to flow more smoothly – because we have been invited by you.
And so we hope you will recognize all of the benefits that can come from simply taking a moment, opening the Sacred Space, and beginning your day by connecting with the Sacred Fire and all of the beautiful energies that come with this, our guidance, our love, and asking to be cleared of any negativity that you have collected in your travels throughout the world – because the levels of debris that are circulating in the outer world now are very intense at this point in time. And so you need to be aware of keeping your auric field strong and coming into contact with this sacred energy every day in order to give your four lower bodies the energy input that they need in order to have the sufficient energy to simply throw off the things that are not yours and are not beneficial to you.
You can change your entire life – by just taking a moment in the morning to connect with us — because this will serve to heighten your telepathy as well. In these heightened energies of the Sacred Space, it is much easier for you to hear our voices, to hear the guidance that we are giving you — as it is our intention to smooth the path before each of you — and we really wish to assist each of you in this way now!
Realize how much we love each of you and what devotion we have toward helping you in every way we possibly can on your path now, because we know the challenges that you are each facing in your lives – because there is so much occurring on the Earth plane now. It is our intention to strengthen you and to assist you to stay in your center. We want to increase your levels of telepathic ability — and opening the Sacred Space and allowing this energy to contact you is one of the best ways to increase your telepathic abilities so that you will be able to hear our voices. We want to give you much guidance right now on the Earth, because you need this, and you know that you need this!
We want to bring forth a new level of guidance for each of you. This is our purpose! This is our message to you – it is to tell you what you need to do in order to allow this to happen in your lives and to consciously connect with us simply by inviting us. It is so easy! That’s all it takes — to open your heart to us, to allow us to connect deeply with who you are, to allow us to bring the healing frequencies of energy that we are able to anchor in your homes, in your businesses. You don’t have to just open the Sacred Space in your home, you can open it where you work, wherever you spend time, for the benefit of all who are in that space.
We wish to bring you such assistance on every level of who you are, in every part of your life, your home, your work – there is no part of your life that does not need this assistance now. And we are so willing to bring you assistance in every possible way – because you are the Lightworkers now upon the Earth, and it is time for you to realize the huge mission that is at hand now! And you need to deeply connect with our wisdom, with our abilities, with our power to bring the opportunities to you that will then take you to the next level in your lives. So recognize that when you are opening the Sacred Space, this is not simply a meditation for a few minutes and then you go on about your business, and the only effect that that had was just to expand your consciousness for a few minutes. When you open the door to us, you really have no idea of the magnitude of what we are able to bring to you – to change your entire life – to change the course of your life, if you are willing for this to occur.
Many people have a view of meditation that “it’s good for a few minutes” — and that is the extent of the effect of it. What we are asking you to do is to go far, far beyond all of your previous concepts of what meditation is – and this is why we are giving you this information this evening. It is to expand your consciousness about the tremendous effects that we are able to bring to you when you open the door, maybe just for a few minutes, if that’s all that you have. Just take a few minutes, and open the Sacred Space, and ask for our assistance, and you will find that you are being assisted throughout your entire day – and you will be aware of us, because, if you listen, we will be talking to you.
We are going to be heightening your telepathic abilities, and we work with many of you while you are in the sleep state in order to enhance these abilities within you now. So this is our promise to you – if you just take a few minutes to align with us, we will choose to align with you for the next twenty four hour period, and to do everything we can to smooth the path before you, to see that you’re in the right place at the right time for the optimum benefit in your life, to open the doorways of opportunity for each of you – so perhaps you have a chance to speak with someone, and maybe plant the seed of a new idea, and in that moment you change their life!
You are that powerful, and that beautiful, and that loving! All of you, you are capable of this now. You are capable of affecting the Earth in deep, deep ways of much significance that you do not even realize – because you have mistakenly believed that you were “just human beings!”
Yes, you are human – but you are also Divine! And that is our message to you this evening, dear ones. It is to recognize the immense abilities that each of you holds – to change the world at this point in her history – where it is so necessary that everything is now lifted up into Light.
Blessings to each of you! Hear my words, and believe, because I speak truth to you!
Adieu, beloveds
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