We don’t ever want you to accept what ANYONE else tells you, and this includes this source, as being true for you, unless you first ask within yourself what is true specifically for you! Each person is totally unique, and has vast quantities of information organized according to the theme of what is true for you as an individual. What works for one may not work for another! That is why you must think for yourself! Yes, have an open mind and consider the information of others, but ultimately, it is you who must decide what fits for you.
Information received through the personal sessions, classes, seminars, conversations, or documents sent out in any fashion, electronic, verbal, or written by Star Hinman and/or The Clearinghouse, is meant only to be “food for thought” to inform, present a new perspective, or to stimulate consideration of the materials presented. You must have judgment and rational thought about how you use or respond to this information, and realize that you are taking full responsibility for your care and the consequences of your choices and actions in that regard.
This of course includes, most importantly, the medical and personal care and health realm. None of the information given through any form is meant to be specifically addressed to any one person as being safe or appropriate for your use in the care of yourself and your physical body; nor is it intended to substitute for the proper medical care of yourself. If you are having difficulties of any kind, please consult the appropriate health care provider for your condition.
I do not claim that I do any healing myself. All I say on this is that “as people access the higher dimensional frequencies of the fifth dimension, through their work with Spirit, which is facilitated in the Private Sessions and the Classes, THEY are able to heal their Spirit, and then their own Spirit heals their four lower bodies in the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional realms of their existence.
Also, please remember the importance of being in a quiet, secure area while you are experiencing any of the materials on this website or anything distributed by Star Hinman and/or The Clearinghouse, as they may encourage a relaxed state of consciousness. It is very important to use common sense with this, and realize that it is never a good idea to use these materials while driving a vehicle, operating machinery or heavy equipment, or anything of the like.
For those of you booking a session with me, please also read the Medical Disclaimer below and provide an electronic signature prior to your session:
To fulfill legal requirements, we need to complete this form. I know you will have the courage to follow your Heart and the information that you receive from your own body and your own spiritual and worldly knowledge.
Lady Portia is able to give you information regarding the possible spiritual causes of mental, emotional, or physical conditions; however, you need to be aware that only you are responsible for the care you give yourself. She does not and will not evaluate or endorse any particular treatments for your individual condition.
Please realize that you are taking full responsibility for choosing whatever course of treatment for your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual conditions that you believe to be most appropriate for you, whether this is standard medical or psychological regimens, holistic health care, or spiritual treatments.
The perspective from which Lady Portia speaks is that of a Spiritual Being, and while highly accurate, her perceptions cannot be said to be infallible. All information given by or through Reverend Carolyn Star Hinman as a Spiritual Channel is only a suggestion for further research and analysis on your part, and is not meant as being suggested to be safe or appropriate for your own individual use or application in the care you choose for yourself.
For this reason, we would urge you to never allow any other person, or Spiritual Being, to decide for you the course of treatment that you should follow for any condition that you might be experiencing, but to go deep within your heart center and access your own Truth, and allow this to guide your path toward further research and study! Only you are able to fully access the truth of what is right for you!
Lady Portia is able to present her perspective on these conditions in the private sessions, but please consult with medically trained professionals for their analysis and information before you decide on your course of treatment. Ultimately, you must be the one who makes your own carefully considered, educated, and researched choices, knowing that our love supports you on your journey!
Many blessings to you, and much love!
Star & Lady Portia
(Your electronic signature below signifies agreement with and acceptance of the statements above. Please type in your FULL legal signature and click “submit” – thanks! I must receive it before the session or sessions begin)
I understand and agree with this information contained in the General and Medical Disclaimer above. By signing this document I acknowledge that the choices that I make in regard to my health are mine alone and no one else can or will be held responsible for the consequences of my decisions related to my health care and spiritual well being. I do hereby release Reverend Carolyn Star Hinman and The Clearinghouse from any such liability related to the personal sessions or information she provides.