May 10, 2017 – The Wesak Celebration
Star Hinman, Spiritual Messenger for
Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters
Copyright 2017
Note from Star – a downloadable transcript, Audio File and Image Gallery from our event are included at the bottom of the page
What an exciting trip and event this was! Leaving Tucson at 6 a.m., we arrived at LaGuardia late Monday afternoon, on May 8th, and went straight to our hotel, via SuperShuttle — which made the trip through New York’s rush hour traffic very smooth and easy — thanks to their driver who had obviously done this once or twice before! We had a chance to rest a little bit before all the excitement started the next day, when we met Zehra Boccia, our New York host. She graciously came to our hotel to visit – bearing gifts, including delicious chocolates!
A little later, we all went over to the United Nations Visitors’ Entrance, a short distance away, and Zehra guided us through the security checkpoint with the credentials we needed. We passed through a courtyard where there were several beautiful statues before entering the General Assembly building.
Then Zehra gave us a tour around the first and lower floors of the building, which included viewing a beautiful stained-glass panel and other works of art which have been donated by the member nations, the Meditation Room which was designed by Dag Hammarskjöld, the UN Gift Centre where we purchased souvenirs, and the Bookshop where you can purchase UN publications, among other things. We also saw the Visitors’ Center which offers many different publications describing the work of the UN. And then we went to the UN’s very own Post Office where we mailed postcards to friends which carried the unique stamp of the UN. Since this 18-acre parcel of land is considered United Nations territory — although it does remain a part of the United States — it has its own postmark!
After we had explored all these areas, and enjoyed a delicious lunch, we had a tour which included the newly renovated General Assembly Hall, the Security Council Chamber, the Trusteeship Council Chamber, and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Chamber in the renovated Conference Building, as well as many other areas which described in detail the varied aspects of the world-wide work of the UN. There were many exhibits describing how the United Nations addresses issues such as disarmament, peace and security, human rights, and the Millennium Development Goals. One interesting exhibit for us, since we were there for the celebration of the Wesak festival, was a very large “Wesak stupa” which had been gifted from the Buddhists. This is a beautiful golden stupa, approximately five, or more, feet in height.
Later that afternoon, we all went across the street to the building which is The Church Center for the United Nations, to attend an interesting and very informative lecture which was being held there, on one of the upper floors. This was a very full day, and, although we enjoyed it very much, we were glad to return to the hotel where we could have some rest!
The next day, Wednesday, May 10th, was the day of our event, and we arrived at the Visitor’s Entrance at 11:00 a.m. to meet Zehra and her husband, Tom, who was kind enough to hold the sign reading “WESAK,” so that our guests for the event could gather there with us. We were delighted to meet Susana Bastarrica, of UNSRC SaluS Well Being Network, who was graciously acting as the co-organizer for our event. It was a bright, sunny day around 65 degrees, so it was very pleasant, standing out in front of the building, at the Visitor’s Entrance steps until everyone arrived. Fortunately, there was time to greet our guests and talk for a while before we went inside the building.
Our Event — “Peace Through Enlightenment”
After everyone arrived, we entered the building as a group and went into the conference room to organize everything for the event. As everyone settled into their chairs, we were ready to begin.
At this time, I was holding the clear intention that we were forming a powerful vortex of Divine Light energies within the room – and inviting the Beings of Light to begin to anchor their spectrum of transformational energies for the entire planet. This is a necessary and vital part of the process, since it is well-known that the Beings of Light in the Ascended Realms must be invited to do their work for Earth by someone physically abiding in the realm where the assistance is needed.
After Zehra and Susana introduced me to the group, I gave the necessary information to introduce the members of our spiritual group, Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters. After this was done, then I silently invited the Beings of Light to speak. The Ascended Ones in the spiritual realms then began their meditation and blessing of the room and all the participants.
The Ascended Masters and other Cosmic Beings were bringing in a huge amount of energy, due to the expanded nature of the event. We were including and working with the world-wide energies of the Wesak Festival, as people all over the globe were invoking the Light and praying for peace and enlightenment for the planet. Also, the Beings of Light were linking our event’s energies with all the world-wide branches of the United Nations so that these would also receive the energies from the Ascended Realms.
First, we received a message and blessing from the Angels, who usually speak before any of the others, in order to raise and adjust the energies in the room.
Then Lord Gautama spoke, and gave information that the Beings of Light were creating, in the etheric realms, a new Lightbody for the United Nations, which, as he has later explained, is capable of holding expanded amounts of energy and much higher frequencies of Light energies. This would be the equivalent of “going from analog to digital” as it has later been described. The following is a portion of Lord Gautama’s message:
Lord Gautama:
“Blessed ones who hold the Light, know that I am here in my finer form to join with you, as I join with many other celebrations all over the world, and I am connecting all of these points of Light around the globe in a great glow of Divine Light for the blessing and healing of all of you, dearest ones, who serve the Light so well and have loved me for so long . . . Know that a great forcefield of Light is being formed now within this sacred place, dearest ones, that your love has so miraculously created. We are all here with you, and many others as well . . . They are all present and gathering to hold the Light, to create this huge vortex of Light for the blessing and healing of this place, the United Nations building. A special blessing and healing is being given to this place where so much good is done – and can be done for Earth. Know that this place is being transformed now, as we speak, into a new Lightbody which can hold the higher frequencies of the great dispensation of Light which we wish to bring to you, through your kind invitation.”
* * *
Lady Portia was the next to speak, and her voice was so forceful that it reverberated off the back wall of the large conference room (as did the voices of all the Ascended Ones who spoke). People who have since heard the audio have often asked if there was a microphone – but there was none.
Lady Portia:
“I am Portia, as I am called, and it is my great honor to address this gathering, as I may, since, as he [Lord Gautama] said, I have been invited. You are all receiving greater Light than you know! It is beyond what you can imagine – what is being done in this room, in this building, in this entire area and property surrounding this building! You will see the effects of what you have caused to happen here today, and I can promise you that! For I know that many of you wish to see great changes! You wish to see the work reach more of the deserving populations of Earth.
“I am here to offer assistance. I bring legions of Lightworkers from the Ascended Realms who will walk these halls and speak! Though they may not be heard with ears, yet they will relay much knowledge to those within these premises who wish to hear – and perhaps even some who do not wish to hear! For none will escape our attention, I can promise you that! And the will of God will be done in this place — instead of the will of man!
Count St. Germain, Lady Portia’s Twin Flame, was the next to speak, and he gave great encouragement to all who were present, to study the instruction that he has left on the Earth, in the form of the books and written materials that contain the channelings of his words:
Count St. Germain:
“This Is Count St. Germain here with you for a few moments of your time. Blessed ones, many of you know my name. Some of you study my words and my messages to humanity, and I can tell you to keep studying – to keep learning! Because the work that you are doing on Earth through this knowledge is immense. If you could see, with your spiritual eyes, what you are accomplishing, dearest ones, I would say that you would be very proud of what you are doing in the world . . . Keep working, keep doing! Keep doing the decrees that I have given you — because you know that these are very effective. Call forth the Sacred Flame of Violet Fire — the savior and healer of many among humanity! Call this into your hearts and anchor it there! Be at peace with the effects out in the world that are not of the Light, for this too shall pass . . .
“You must ‘stay with it!’ You must devote your entire being to the spiritual work that you are doing — because you do not know how important it is for the world, and even the work that is being done by this great organization here, you see. You help them when you do the invocations and the decrees, using this Light as it was meant to be used.”
* * *
Mother Mary was the next to speak, and she closed the event with a beautiful and heart-felt blessing for all of us. She was very emotional, even to the point of being in tears during parts of this blessing – due to, as she is saying now, “the intensity of the love and adoration that I feel for all of you,” because we had invited what she considers to be “significant and important work to be done” — for the Earth and all her life.
Note: The emotions carry powerful energy, so the fact that she was transmitting emotion was an indication of the extremely powerful energies which were carried in her blessing to all of us.
Mother Mary:
“I am Mary, beloved ones. We bring our love to you today for the great work that you do! Know that you are so beloved of all of us, and my Son. We are here to bring the blessings of Heaven on all of you. You are beloved! You have heard these words, but do you know what comes from my heart to each of you – to bless you, to heal you – to keep you forever in the Light of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, of the Christ Light, who comes to all of you now – to bless — to heal you, in conjunction with this day that is so sacred to the great Buddha energies that we love and cherish so much, for we all work for the Earth. Though it is not said, yes, we all know each other. We all work – daily, hourly!
“Call on us, beautiful ones! I leave my blessing and my healing presence, of my angelic ones, with all of you – for a blessing and healing from my heart.
“You are beloved, dearest ones – more than you know!
“Adieu, beloveds”
“It is done
So be it
* * *
After the event was over, we all took some time to ground and center ourselves after receiving these huge amounts of energy. Then we went, as a group, out into the large area next to the deli counter, which contained many tables and chairs. It was wonderful to have time to sit down, relax, and connect with all the beautiful individuals who had attended the event. I enjoyed hearing their stories and learning about their interests. Fortunately, the sandwiches from the nearby deli counter helped everyone to further center themselves and integrate the huge energies that we had received during the event.
The Star Nations
Chief Geronimo, a member of the group of spiritual beings associated with Lady Portia & The Ascended Masters, has told me, even many months before the event, that I was going “as a representative of the Star Nations.” For those of you who are familiar with the spiritual beliefs of the Native American people, you will know that the indigenous peoples of the Americas, and, indeed, indigenous people all over the world have, from ancient times, reported connection and communication with the “star people” from the skies. This was not anything unusual for them, since they accepted a view of the universe as a spiritual “oneness” which included many different forms of consciousness. And, according to legend, when these “star people” appeared on Earth, they did so in peace, with the intention of bringing knowledge and benefit to the populations of Earth. They were greeted with love, appreciation, and acceptance by the native peoples of Earth.
Lady Portia is a great “networker” with those who wish to assist the healing of Earth, all over the cosmos. She assists them to peacefully and lovingly connect with Earth so that they may assist, using their unique talents and abilities, in raising the consciousness on Earth and healing the many maladies caused by the extreme negativity and misqualified energies found on Earth.
So, this is another dimension of what was occurring during our event at the United Nations, because Lady Portia, Count St. Germain, Chief Geronimo, and the other spiritual beings in our group, were creating a huge network designed to transmit vast amounts of star-based energies into the Earth, through the huge vortex which those of us in physical form were consciously creating. And this energy download continued for quite a while after the official time when our event ended – “until the work was complete,” as the Beings of Light are now saying.
As many of you may know, there is a vast “system of suns” throughout the universe, and it is this “energy transmission system” which can be used by the Beings of Light, to “funnel” energies from other systems of worlds into Earth for this type of healing upgrade to our system here.
Lady Portia has told me that the event, in her words, “Was a huge success! We accomplished everything that we had wanted to do – AND MORE!”
We can all be assured that immense blessing and assistance was brought to the work of the United Nations, and indeed the Earth as a whole, through the intention of these beautiful Ascended Ones, who wished to assist the healing and ascension of the Earth into her higher form, as “A Star of Light in the Firmament of Heaven!”
Post Script: After our event, we had feedback from many individuals who said that they were experiencing physically the beneficial effects of the extremely strong energies which had been generated by the Beings of Light, who always work for the highest and greatest good of all humanity at these events.
* * *
The Statue of the Virgin Mary Arrives at the United Nations
Early Friday morning on May 12th, two days after our event, the Beings of Light awakened me at 3:30 a.m. with the message that we should go to the United Nations because we would be able to view the statue of the Virgin Mary. We knew that the statue was arriving at the UN sometime during this week. With this request, we did go to the UN that morning, and were fortunate to be able to view the statue – which was, indeed, radiant with the Divine Feminine energies of Mother Mary. There was a special quality to the energies of the room, which was filled with her love as well as a sense of transcendent peace.
The Dag Hammarskjöld Meditation Room at the UN
It was the intention of the Beings of Light that we assist in anchoring the Divine Feminine energies which were pouring into the UN Headquarters building and surrounding property, as a result of the focus of human consciousness on Mother Mary, due to the presence of this beautiful statue. As has been noted previously, it is a spiritual law that “The call for assistance from the heavenly realms must come from the realm where the assistance is needed.” The Beings of Light have often said that they cannot simply “wave a magic wand” and do what they believe would assist the Earth. The work of the Ascended Ones for the benefit of Earth must be requested by someone in physical form in the realm where the assistance is needed.
After viewing the statue, we were later spiritually directed to go to the UN’s Meditation Room, where further energies of the Divine Feminine would be downloaded and anchored. As we made our way to this room, we could see that it was located directly beside the beautiful Marc Chagall stained glass window, which is entitled “Peace,” because of the many images representing love and peace which it contains. This beautiful 12×15 foot panel was a gift to the UN from its own staff members and the artist, Marc Chagall, himself, to commemorate Dag Hammarskjöld.

Marc Chagall Stained-Glass Window, United Nations Headquarters, New York City. Photograph credit: Dragonbite.
When we entered the Meditation Room, we both saw and felt that this is a beautiful room, with an amazing energy and spiritual presence! Personally, I have never before experienced such a strong forcefield of healing energy in any physical place on the Earth! This room was spiritually conceived and designed in its present physical form by Dag Hammarskjöld, who served as the second Secretary-General of the United Nations, from April 1953 until his death in a plane crash in September 1961. He leaves us with this beautiful description of his intention for the room:
“We all have within us a centre of stillness surrounded by silence. This house, dedicated to work and debate in the service of peace, should have one room dedicated to silence in the outward sense and stillness in the inner sense. It has been the aim to create in this small room a place where the doors may be open to the infinite lands of thought and prayer.” – Dag Hammarskjöld
According to Hammarskjöld’s design, there are no chairs within this room, only benches in the rear area. In the center of the room there is a huge 6 ½ ton rectangular block of black iron ore which is polished on the top and illuminated from above by a single spotlight. At the far end of the room, on the front wall, there is an abstract mural, a composition of interlocking geometric patterns. The walls are a soft cream color, and I seem to remember the floor being a dark, earthy-brown polished stone tile.
Hammarskjöld described the room as follows, “The shaft of light strikes the stone in a room of utter simplicity. There are no other symbols, there is nothing to distract our attention or to break in on the stillness within ourselves. When our eyes travel from these symbols to the front wall, they meet a simple pattern opening up the room to the harmony, freedom and balance of space.
“There is an ancient saying that the sense of a vessel is not in its shell but in the void. So it is with this room. It is for those who come here to fill the void with what they find in their center of stillness.”
* * *
This seemed a fitting place to end our journey, and our mission to anchor the Light — in the presence of Mother Mary, in the silence – in the stillness of the Divine. There is an ancient saying:
“In the Stillness is the Knowing – In the Knowing, it is Done!”
* * *
Thank You!
Thank you to Zehra Boccia and Susana Bastarrica for inviting us, and making this event possible.
In group photo above: Zehra is in front row, on right, wearing gold color. And in back row, the three people on the right are Susana Bastarrica, Star Hinman, and Alice Hardaker.
We would like to send a special “thank you” to all the wonderful people that it was our good fortune to encounter in New York. To name only a few: The ladies at Café Basil who gave us such a warm welcome every morning when we came in and enjoyed a delicious breakfast with them! The fascinating cab drivers from Pakistan and Africa who told us the “short version” of their life’s stories as we took an exciting ride with them — up and down 5th Avenue — on Thursday, when we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Blessings and thank you to all who attended our event – and did such a fabulous job of anchoring those extremely “high frequency” energies!
And a special “Thank you” to Alice Hardaker, for your love and support for the divine mission which was accomplished on this trip.
Mission Accomplished!
* * *
To download the transcript of our address to the United Nations as a PDF CLICK HERE
Additional note from Star – Thanks to Peter Klein, who, among other things is a Certified Shamanic Astrologer and provided the insights, the Astrological Aspects for the Date and Time of our UN event were particularly auspicious and supportive.
Peter wrote to me a few weeks before the event and shared: The astro conjunctions are quite free and open as well as no major outer planet aspects whatsoever to the personal parts of the chart as it were. Scorpio moon tells me you’ll be of course channeling the “Shamanic Lineage” and Leo Rising means fantastic for forward visibility and Radiant, Radical, Brilliance and a “regal command” of the situation. Mars in Cancer indicates community support and safe space from the masculine, and Venus and Mercury in Aries means the “Warrior Feminine” will be fully present – and the unexpected can happen from Her. Wow! Both Saturn and Pluto are retrograde, however they aren’t aspecting anything on the chart I can see and so should not be a factor. Should be an incredible event!
And the event was incredible indeed!