Mary Magdalene and The Angels of the Most High
Addressing the Light Angels Class #63
Star Hinman, Channel.  The Clearinghouse.  www.starbird1.net
Copyright 2012

Beloved ones, know that we are with you from the far reaches of the galaxies, to come before you this night to bring you the holiness that is within your hearts, to speak with you of all that shall be coming to each of you — and all that exists within you now.

We are the Angels of the Most High and we attend Him (Jesus) as He is with you this evening, and the Magdalene – all of these beautiful ones that have been wishing to speak with you to bring you the message that Earth, in her very core, is now making her transition into the Light – and you must do the same, dear ones!  Now is the time that it is imperative, it must be done — that you must now have this release within yourselves into the hands of Light of those of us who stand with you this night, holding you within this force field of love and such healing as is from the Master Jesus and his Beloved, the Magdalene.

The energies that they bring when together such as this are so magnificent that it may not be brought into human form, even to speak, and that is why we have been designated as the ones who will now speak for Them, to deliver their message to humankind — that the time of your deliverance is at hand from all that has been hurtful or of pain within you. You will have the release of all of this very soon, and it is the knowledge of this that shall strengthen you through the times that are coming upon the Earth, because there will be pain for many. Many will be dragged down into this place of such fear and pain that it is hurtful to our hearts to see what will occur for those who do not have the understanding of the transcendent Light that is even now being brought onto the Earth. It is here! It is with you! It is within the very fabric of your being — for each of you – and you must know that the moment is at hand when we charge you with this knowledge for one specific reason:   He (Jesus) wishes you to carry this message to as many of those upon Earth as what you are physically able to do.

The Magdalene stands with Him now, and she is saying to you, “Blessed ones of my heart, you are Divine — by the knowledge that you hold within the hearts of each of you. You have heard of me, of old, but what you do not know is that I have carried this message, beside the Lord, to many! I was a teacher by His side, yes, and I spoke to the multitudes of many — of his words. I carried His words to those who were not in His presence, and I did this work of my own volition, because I believed in the message that He brought — as do you, beloved ones of my heart, as I open my heart flame now — to encompass and to strengthen each of you –that you may have the strength of your heart, born of this knowledge of His words to you:  To love one another and to do unto others as you would wish to be done to you.
I carried His words as I carried His child – and it was born of me in the beauty of His love. He sustained me many times in the face of great trials and strife which came upon us in the later days. But this does not need to come unto each of you — if you will but hear His words in your hearts now, to have the burning knowledge of this Truth emblazoned across your minds and through your hearts that you, as well, are the Chalice of his Love and his devotion to humankind upon the Earth!

This shall go on! There will never be an end to it, because it is carried through ones such as you who have the love for who He is and you know what He has spoken and the Light that He has carried — even into this place, as I do, to bless each of you!  And with the Angels standing round about — holding this magnificent energy — brought as a gift, from the Heaven Realms, to each of you — because you are holy. We know you are Divine! We bring you the most humble gift of our words, of our love as we brought to many while we were yet on the Earth.

And it was done through the love of our hearts, as is now being anchored, fully, within the hearts of each one of you, that you may be the Light Bearers, now, to carry the gift that is given out of love, out of the devotion of our hearts for humanity, for each of you, dear ones of the Light. You are holy! Know this! Know of your own divinity and that you are of my heart — and it shall always be so.

Do not doubt! Do not allow doubt to further enter any of you, your minds. You are capable of the miracles that He did now upon Earth, Masters yet you shall be! If you will only believe in Him and allow the transfer of this gift of healing, of the knowledge, of the great knowledge of the Truth of creation — as it is coming upon you now — to settle like the white dove of peace within the hearts of each one of you.

Know this is our gift to each one of you this night, and as the laurel wreath is placed around your brow, you are dedicated to the service of the Light. It has been done! You are each complete within this Light. Know that you are the Light Bearers! Now you are charged with this mission — to consciously carry this Light forth upon the Earth for the benefit, not only of yourselves, but of humanity, your brothers, your sisters – all who are in human form upon Earth shall hear these words and be called to the service of the Light – as are you, blessed ones.  Hear my words!  And allow this to penetrate into the deepest portions of your heart.

I am Love, and this is my message that I bring – that you, as well, are of this Light forever. And it is done!”
(She speaks to Jesus,” My love, I am returning to you now.”)

(The Angels of the Most High speak.)
And the White Dove of Peace be upon each of you, as we shall all take our leave of you now – leaving you with her blessing and much love.
Adieu from each of us
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