Four Venusian Masters from the Court of Sanat Kumara
Addressing the Light Angels Class 67
Star Hinman, Spiritual Channel.  The Clearinghouse.
Copyright 2012

We are the ones you have been speaking of, we are the ones who have come from Venus to assist this beautiful anchoring of all of these energies that you have been speaking of (the energies of The Venus Transit Across the Face of the Sun – June 5th, 2012) because it is so necessary upon the Earth now to have this, the anchoring of all of this, for your planet – because many things you do not realize are happening for Earth — and we would be the cause of much of this. We have been working quite diligently with the Earth, and all of her life forms, for a very long time in order to make these huge changes that you now find are coming upon you.

You are just beginning to see the effects of everything that we have been working to establish for you, here on Earth, for so long!  And it is gratifying to our hearts to finally see all of this beginning now to come into fruition — to have the opening of the bud which is the flower within each of you, within the heart flame reality that you are aware of now upon your Earth — because she is now becoming a planet of the Light as a result of all that all of you are doing upon the Earth to hold this Light, to be inspired by Lady Venus, as we are, to be the Goddesses upon Earth – for this is what we would have for you — it is this message – to be aware – you are not human beings, you are Beings of the Divine, you are of the Light, you are of us, and you hold much transcendent Light for Earth, and you are constantly receiving this from the planet Venus and beyond — because Venus is simply this stepping down place for many of these cosmic energies which come from far beyond our planet and the far reaches of the cosmos. There is the Great Central Sun which we are all nourished and enlivened by, through the magnificent energies of this tremendous forcefield of Light, Love, and Power – the creative point within the universe – and we receive the Light from this source, and we consciously qualify this as only we may with the frequencies of love which you may only, at this point, imagine — to feel what this must feel like within the human form – and, yes, this is our transcendent gift of Light at this moment to all of you upon Earth – this beautiful Star of Peace — meant to be shining as a glorious Beacon of the Light throughout the universe.
And she shall be this once again, as she is recovering, into her full-spectrum Light, all the love nature of Creator, from whose heart she was breathed forth in her being, long, long ago. And she is now at this moment, as we speak, being restored into these higher frequencies of her Light and her Love, and her Power – that she shall now rejoin this Symphony of Light which is even now playing among the stars and the planets, as each one sings forth its transcendent frequencies of Light, as only it may, through the gifts of the Heart Flame of each one of the inhabitants of each one of these places throughout the universe!

And you are coming, as a people and a planet, back into your rightful place of the frequencies which will now be in harmony with this huge Symphony of Light, which is singing forth as the Music of the Spheres — even now — throughout the reaches of space and beyond – to the far reaches of your galaxy, for the blessing of all who reside there. This is your destiny! To BE the Star of Light to hold the resplendent Light of your souls, and of Sanat Kumara, in this place, on this planet destined for Light. Nothing can stop this now!  It is destined, in this time in which you are living, to come forth in the huge expression of creativity which even now is beginning for Earth, held as a babe in arms throughout the consciousness of humanity. You are awakening to the Light!  It is happening for every person upon Earth now — in this instant, in the transcendence of this cosmic moment when you have reunited with everything within you, through the consciousness of Sanat Kumara, which is extended into this place — because you have called this forth by your love, by your presence on this Earth.

You are the ones who will build the new Shamballa upon the Earth, and it will be done by your hands as well as your consciousness as you are lifted further and further into the Light, into these transcendent realms which are now opening for the Earth, and we speak to you with much love because we know that you are the ones who will consciously build, once again, the “City of the Sun” on Earth – to ignite the memory of all those of the original “City of the Sun”– which was built so long ago!

As though it were yesterday, we recall it now to your consciousness — to your minds — because you have all seen this city in existence upon the Earth, and that is why you have called us forth at this moment to rejoin you in this place and to speak, of great things which you will be doing, to your conscious minds — that you may know that the time of rejoining all that you remember is now at hand. And it shall be done by the tremendous Light which you hold, all of you!  You are Angels of Light in human form – to do this work of rebuilding Shamballa upon Earth!  And it shall be done in this way by the love that is in your hearts for Sanat Kumara and all that he gave to Earth, and to all of you, consciously, for eons of time!

The gift of his love sustained Earth in her moment of darkness, and she was preserved from ruin by his love!  And it is those of you now who remember this moment upon Earth – you remember the original Shamballa, because you were there!   Because you know of the transcendent Light which was in this place! And I bring you this message that I may fire this memory into existence within your consciousness, and to tell you of all of this which shall now take place upon Earth by the Lightworkers such as yourselves who were in this place, who were a part of Shamballa and remember the transcendent beauty that it holds now in the etheric realms over Earth!  And once again it shall be manifest onto the Earth plane reality for all humans to find full healing and restoration of their spirits as they are made whole by the Light and the Love and Power which shall be manifest within this place through the work and the dedication of the spirit residing within the heart flame within each of you.

Beautiful workers for the Light! You have done much, but this is only the beginning of what will be done for Earth – by you, yes!  And many like you!   For as the flame is now ignited within your hearts, it is able at this moment to be transmitted to all who would choose to take part in this project to reclaim Earth fully in her resplendent consciousness of the Light of Creator now within this place. And it shall be done with the Light of Creator as well as the blessing of the Great One, Sanat Kumara, who gives his blessing upon you now, that it may be transmitted fully into Earth for the blessing of all her people.

And it is done now, in this way, through you, Blessed Ones of the Light! This is my gift to each of you at this moment – to know Light and to shine it forth every moment for the rest of your existence upon this Shining Star, Earth!
Blessings and our love to you!

In deep gratitude and humility, we bring this message.  And we leave this with you as we return now to our home of Venus.

And your gift shall be given to Earth,
Adieu, Beloved Ones

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